
Ideas for cold and wet day?

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It is cold, wet and POURING.

It is 3:47 (in the afternoon) and I am bored!!!

Has anyone got any ideas of what to do?




  1. always good is a DVD and some microwave popcorn thats what i always do

  2. Write a story

  3. get in bed and watch dvds

  4. These all depend on you having the right materials:

    -dye your hair a different color

    -carve an eraser into a rubber stamp that you can use as a "signature" kind of thing

    -fill animal tracks in the mud outside with plaster and wait until it hardens so you have sets of animals track you can show people

    -oil your bicycle

    -use your cat's rump as a drum

    -assemble a dinosaur using chicken bones

    -throw out the furry stuff in the refrigerator

    -draw a picture of what your room looks like

  5. yes call me i wil come to kiss u make u hot

  6. write a story.

  7. On days like that, when I am off from work, believe it or not, I enjoy putting on a slicker and hat and just walking in the rain.  It is very relaxing and almost like meditation.  Then when I get home, home seems warm and inviting.  


  8. watch tv, play games with family, sleep, catch up homework, catch up on housework read a book

  9. good

  10. Watch a movie in bed. It's the same here and that's what I'm gonna do soon as I reach level 2.Sometimes you gotta play with yourself.

  11. You could listen to music. Cook some things, like some tasty snacks. Curl up on the couch and watch a movie with popcorn and a friend. You can draw pictures or write songs/poems/stories. You can take a long nap, call some friends.. The list is on going..

  12. Go through YA questions and give everyone a thumbs up.

  13. I wish it were like that here! I love those kind of days; listen to music, put on a good movie or go on the computer, and pop some popcorn!

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