
Ideas for dressing up as William Shakespeare?

by Guest57492  |  earlier

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I'm having trouble because of the lack of knowledge on his appearance. ;__; So instead, I was hoping to add his personality or major things from his life to my costume. Any ideas on how to do this would be great!

(Heh, I wasn't sure where to put this question.... >.<)




  1. Don&#039;t be stereotypical. Try watching Shakespeare in Love and going more for that kind of look. Ralph Fiennes has a great look as a young William Shakespeare, and if you wish to go a bit more traditional-refer to the costume worn by Geoffrey Rush as Phillip Henslowe.

  2. You asked in the right place. Ask the Book people about authors-- good job!

    I suggest big collar, flippy hair, puffy pants. Carry a notebook or something like he writes a lot (because he did).

    That&#039;s all I got. Good luck.

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