
Ideas for entertaining kids????

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i need help with keeping an 11 yr. old girl and a 9 yr. old boy busy for the whole day!!!! i don't want to play video games. or watch movies. and there is nothing to do outside. they don't really like to play board games. and i don't have much money. so yeah this leaves a lot of things to do!!! help




  1. active games/icebreakers



  2. bounce house!

  3. Arts and crafts.  Go to Michaels and pick up some stuff.  Ask the staff what's really popular these days and you will be  big hit.  I recommed making a cool necklace with either ribbon or lace, ask the staff at Michaels.

  4. nothing to do outside...that's not possible...take them outside and let them make something...let them gather things they find around the house (that you give them permission to use) and they can make something creative out of little brothers and sisters do this all the time...if we have a pizza box they cut that out and just use their imagination and one time they made a bird house...just little things that occupy time that they'll enjoy

    hope this helps,

    Olivia Grace

  5. There's not much to do after that Try looking for a local event happening in your area that can entertain them and you as well. There is always the park if they enjoy that. Every kid likes running around.

  6. give them some crayons and paper.  let their creativity run wild!  That should keep them busy for a while

  7. I agree, they should have some ideas what they'd like to do - so ask them.

    Just a thought - you could teach them something about a hobby of yours (photography, cooking, reading, writing a story).

    Also, go to for some inexpensive ideas. For example, a box of paints, brushes and paper can be bought for around $5.

    Have fun.

  8. At the ages of nine and eleven children should be able to entertain themselves.  If you have books, a few games, and some art materials, it's up to them.  If they are bored, that's ok too.  You are not running a daycare and they are not toddlers.

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