
Ideas for flier?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my three friends are making fliers to put up all around our town for our business that we are starting together. We'll do housework, babysitting, and yard work (no heavy lifting) It's going to be called CBD Services. We need ideas for things to put on it. You know, catchy phrases and logos and things like that. Any ideas, even if you may think they're stupid, please submit them none the less and I would really appreaciate it. Thanks.




  1. In flyer design, or any advertising piece for that matter you must ALWAYS keep in mind the Number ONE question the person (the recipient) reading it will ask; And that is "What's in this for ME?"

    1. It must attract the reader's attention... Bright colors, graphics, SOMETHING to catch my eye.

    2. It must make the reader want to READ the piece... Is there a picture of someone doing housework? But doesn't want to? That's me, I want to read that flyer...

    3. It must make the reader want to CONTINUE reading the piece...It's not BORING, is it? I want to know how I can find somebody else do my housework...or babysitting...or yardwork...

    4. It must make the reader want to FINISH the piece...Don't forget... I have a short attention span..useless facts, false promises, I'll put it in the trash...

    5. Finally it must make the reader want to ACT...What do I have to do to get these services?...Put your phone number in big, bold print..."Call NOW!" "Get your FREE Estimate!" We all like that word, FREE!!. "Get a FREE Gift!" Include a coupon like ten percent off -- IF... you act NOW (or by two weeks from now--put on it an expiration date.). Your goal is to get me to want to call and book right now.

    Hope this helps.

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