I will be living in Germany from September 08 - July 09 as part of the Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange program through AFS. I have a few ideas of what to get my host family, but I could use more. I am looking for most American items, or even more region specific [PA]. Other creative ideas are appreciated!
My family consists of:
Britta [hostmom]: 43 years old, is a housewife, likes to cook
Burkhard [hostdad]: 44 years old, works for a earth construction company
Julia: 19 years old, loves horses, cooking, and peanut butter
Johanna: 18 years old
Jasmin: 16 years old, coming to US [should I worry about a gift for her?]
Jana: 14 years old
Janina: 5 years old
They live in Ebersdorf bei Bremervörde in Niedersachsen, Germany. They have 4 horses, 3 cats, 3 dogs, chickens and rabbits.
As you see, I don't really know too much about my family, so I was hoping to get some age appropriate gifts from the US. Thanks so much! Oh yeah, and price range is about $20-$30 each.