
Ideas for kitchen shelves?

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I have a nice new set of shelves in my kitchen. Does anybody have any original ideas on what would be nice and modern on kitchen shelves as decoration? I put a picture on one and a couple shot glasses on another .. any ideas?




  1. Get some candles and a few more pictures. Got to hobby lobby and find some nick knacks. You need at least 3 objects for a grouping when doing displays.

  2. go to ikea! best shop ever!

    get some floating candles: a china bowl filled with water with candles floating - you probs alredy knew that sorry =]

    candle sticks

    plants/dried flowers

    erm like ooo

    glass jars filled with sweets!

    or fill with pastas


  3. Cool hardcover cookbooks, pottery, vases, bowls, Cool martini glasses, wine glasses, etc. check out Home Goods, Burlington Coat Factory, Target, Pier One for ideas that are not too $$$.  Shot glasses might give off a college feel - I would go for something a little more sophisticated.  

    Good luck!

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