
Ideas for my cv+ for 6th form?

by  |  earlier

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i have got my 6th form interview in a few days and dont know what i want to do for a cv+, i dont like many sports and dont play any instruments. i want to go to uni after, what should i do that may help?




  1. You should play an easy instrument like a claranet.

  2. Make everything you do into an 'activity'.

    Cooking a meal = Culinary experience

    Playing footie with your mates = Team sports

    Teaching your little brother to play football = Ametur coaching experience

    Going to a village fete = Active participant in community life

    Using a Mac/PC = Experience with computers

    Using a bus/Recycling = Involvement in 'greener' living for the community

    Picking up a crisp packet from the floor = Community Service..

    It goes on. Just give them posh names. Tell the interviewer it was all voluntry work. If he/she sees right through this be prepared to cover your **** with some spectacular results.

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