
Ideas for my story appreciated?

by  |  earlier

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I am thinking of writing a story about a fellow who walks down the street when, suddenly, a woman passes him by but her arms accidentally bumps his but then they become stuck. He tries to pull his arm loose but they stay stuck. They have to try various things to try to unstuck themselves.

#1: Can you think of an interesting reason why they would get stuck together?

#2: Can you think of a way they would try to get unstuck?

#3: How long do they stay stuck together and do they ever get separated?

You can answer either one or two or all the questions if you choose. I just want some influences. Thank you.




  1. #1: Can you think of an interesting reason why they would get stuck together?

    A man in an apartment above the street is using a tube of crazy glue on his model car. He is at the window because of the smell.  He puts the tube down and accidentally leans on it making the glue squirt out of the window just as the woman is walking past. the glue hits her on her arm and she wipes at it by reflex actually spreading it more. She realizes the subtance is wet and starts paying attention to her arm and not where she is walking, walking right into a man coming the opposite direction.  

    The glue hardened just as they bumped into each other so they can't separate.

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