
Ideas for out of control 2 year olds?

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i recently just started working at a daycare where pretty much the whole staff just up and quit, i have no ece credits, and these kids dont listen for anything. i am at my wits ends working with only 6 two year olds who refuse to listen and stay put when put in time out. i can not get them to clean up thier toys and have tried the cleaning song, rewarding, and even taking away the toys they refuse to pick up. how can i get them to listen to me and know that i am in charge? these kids are also pretty fresh and like to talk back a lot. any ideas? ... i also have limited resources to work with to keep thier interest in new things, so if you have any ideas for circle time, and how to actually get them to sit that would be greatly appreciated... thank you!!!




  1. You believe they are out of control because you are trying to CONTROL  THEM  instead of just keeping them happy and well cared for.  That is the extent of your job.  (When I was younger, a child said to me once, "You're not the boss of me!"  And he was right!  I was his caretaker, not his boss.)

    They are not listening because you are talking too much and telling (or asking) them to do things that they are not mature enough to do at this time.  Two year olds are still babies in many ways.  They are not mature enough to sit still upon demand, so don't demand it.  They are not mature enough to pick up the toys upon demand, but will help you do it if you make a game of it.  They are old enough to begin to learn to be nice to each other and share toys, but not to participate in most group activities -- so don't force group activities on them.  Remember that this is day care, not school.  Talk to them with love and respect in your voice, and they will have no reason to talk back.  If they are "fresh" say to them, "We are all friends here.  We are nice to each other."

    Some of the toys that are available should be educational, and some of the activities that you choose will be educational.  Learn some finger-play songs and songs that have motions that go with them (eency weency spider is one).  Find simple, cute, brief stories and practice reading them beforehand.  (Some of the books should be "concept" books that emphasize colors, counting to 10, etc.  Some should be rhyming stories.)  Have some creative materials such as play-dough and finger paints.  Also have some cuddly stuffed animals and a few baby dolls.

    However, much of your actual schedule of activities (other than meal time and nap time) must be extremely flexible.  When a child wants you read to her, make it interesting and fun and invite others to join you -- and you sit on the floor with them.  Let others play with blocks or individual toys or whatever.  When 2 or 3 children are playing with blocks,, get down on the floor with them and play with them, engaging them in conversation -- let others choose their activities.  All participation in  (except for meals and naps) should be each child's choice, not a mandate.

    I'm not criticizing you, just trying to help, but it will be to your advantage to learn more about child development.  It will make your life much easier and you will be much more confident and happy with your job.

  2. Get real, 2 year olds dont listen, dont sit still and dont understand half of what you say. In addition to that, 2 year olds are into powerstruggles learning what they can get away with. Sing songs, play music, have fun times, physical activities. If a 2 year old throws a fit, walk away and ignore them. Remember, you can not control kids but you can make them want to please you.

  3. and then we wonder why our culture is falling apart!!!

    these children need mom.

    you are what they get and you don't get the same level of attention that mom does nor does each of them have five other sibling at home -- so have lots of compassion for them and yourself in the circumstance.

    you are very brave to even try -- but you probably had no idea by what you have said.

    two year olds don't really listen -- they act, and by most standards they "act out" lots -- thus the old "terrible twos."

    i have children and i don't believe in the terrible twos but we have been with our children all the time. don't frustrate yourself with the idea that they don't listen.

    you have the great challenge of "sharing" both things between them and your own attention. get many repeated objects that they can discover individually, move the objects from child to child at their need, supplying new discoveries as often as you can for each child's need.

    your praise, the excitement of your sound will be paramount in the group environment. most two olds have endless contact with mom - you cannot supply this practically because you cannot pick up six kid at once - and when you get one the others may react. you stay on the floor with them mostly.

    don't even try time out is my suggestion -- i am still paying the price for that with my first son -- i tried at two, ouch.

    positive options to change their activity away from unfavorable to favorable. give them a better option -- i know it can be hard and it is real easy to type it in from here compared to doing it with six children there.  two year old love simple success, balls, holes, strings, stackable soft toys, the less push button electronic noisemakers the better in my book. finger paints (non toxic), huge paper on the floor. try to avoid favored single objects. floor chalk can work. a big bin of those plastic sensory balls they can roll in.

    i would not expect to organize anything to much -- i would definitaly think of it as caring for six individuals at once rather than a group. though you will face all the tricks of a group dynamic, it is unlikely you will get a group activity or group cooperation.

    cardboard boxes they can crawl through and open an look in, put things in etc can be fun -- but you need a soft floor for when they fall over in the boxes.

    you don't need a pool to enjoy blow up pool toys as a two year old, but remember you will have to blow them all up before the kids get there, and you will need enough pieces.

    simple musical instruments can be fun and they rotate through them pretty well -- again you need enough pieces.

    pillows and cushions that can be stacked, fallen on etc.

    gentle music can really help hold the good mood -- check out Mata Amritanandamayi, she is a eastern teacher that makes amazing music that has a profound effect on children's mood in my experience.

    tumbling is good -- remember you show examples for two year olds and then they may or may not -- make it look fun and they are more likely.

    two year olds don't talk back, they don't understand this way, they are learning which parts of this reality are under the influence of their nerves directly -- it is not like they are disrespecting you -- they only know play and what they have been shown -- which you don't know because you don't know their households (which i might say don't have the best priorities or these children would be there, at home).

    compassion, understanding, endless selfless patients is really what you need.....and remember these are the most important formative times of these children's lives. you teach them forever from here.

    i know it is in your heart to be able to do this, however, i would not encourage you accept that you are already in the circumstance.

    call parents, call you advisor, get help.

    sorry about the typo's -- it is three AM -- i need to get to sleep.

    love and blessings to you and those babies.

    my heart weeps for our world, may we get the needs and the priorities straight before we sink this ship all together.

  4. Children love stories.You should have many stories to tell them each day.Most probably stories with moral lessons so that they could learned from them.If you watch nanny 911, try their techniques because they are of great help.

  5. i will try my best to help as i have been in this situation many a time........  The best thing u can do for the long term, if your planning on staying on is to have set rules and routines.....  sounds like these children have had no constants in their centre.....  U need some supportive staff to also help out.....  U need to be firm but fair with the children and if they are misbehaving u need to pull them up..... If u let just one child get away with an undesirable behaviour it will keep continuing.  Once the children know that u are serious and it could take u up to three weeks of h**l but at the end of it u should have a great room..  Children all need discipline and limits no matter what age......  Children at this age are to young for time out..  I do firmly believe in timeout though but probably from 4 on....  the best i can think of to discipline is to talk to them...  keep it very short as they only remember the first 3 and last 3 words of a sentence. something along the lines of, "that makes me really sad"  Always try and put their behaviour back on to how it makes u feel rather then saying they are naughty......  Eventually u will work up a bond with these children and they won't like making u sad....  U also need to move them away from the situation and try and redirect their play.  Johnny is wrestling on the car mat over a car.  pick johnny up and say' that makes me really sad.... Move him to another activity and sit with him until he is engaged in that activity......  It is also highly recommended that any chance u get to sit with the children and play with the will help as u will help get that bond with them quicker and they will learn to trust u.....  If they aren't sitting at grouptimes try some dancing to release some energy.  Get everyone to stand up and hop on one foot,  jump up and down, run on the spot.......  anything to bring them together on the mat.  I always have a break when i see some children gettiing restless and whether it be to stand up and do this or clap your hands, then stamp your feet, tap your knees while sitting will break up their long group time.....  once u have their attention and trust then work on the lack of resources....  my motto is a busy child is a happy child so go to the local library and get some books on activity ideas.  whether it be using leaves outside etc.....  If u have dinosaurs they can be used for a range of things.....  use them with playdough, use them to dip in paint and paint with, put them with blocks to make houses, put them with leaves to hide in, do a washing dinosaurs in water with soap suds activity.......   U are really only as limited as your mind.....  good luck      Also remember to praise, praise, praise....  works wonders....

  6. I'm w/ Petra. First of all I think it's suppose to be 4 kids to 1 teacher. Have the facility work that one out. I know you said they "all" quit but it can't just be you and 6 babies. If they can't find an adult, teens are great for this job. It will give you a break from around 3-6pm.

    You have to try to work w/ the individually, I know there's no help but they need to get to know you. Trust you.

    Good Luck.

  7. Yip you have your work cut out for you however here's a little help. First remember you are working with children who have a 10 min. attention span. Being completely prepared well in advance for  the days activities is a must do. These little ones are learning and distracted by other things as well (ex. the other children, too many toys out, right down to their shoe laces) Less is best.  Bring out toys that can be shared like blocks and a large box that sits in the center of the room which you have pre-cut the shapes in to. The box should be all you have sitting in the center of the room. In lunch bags you'll have placed four blocks in of different shapes for each child once all children have settled in have them hold hands in a cirlce around the box sing ring around the rosie but finish with "we all sit down". One at a time you can do a duck,duck goose to change it out) have a child take one block out and try to fit it in to a hole celebrateing their successes YEAH Billy you did it!! Clapping hands and stomping feet. This age loves to hear praise in that they are in a want to please mode.  I wish I had the ablity to share more with you in that there is so much you can do with this age group. It does'nt have to cost alot.  Bring your pots and pans in for a pretend cooking party which leads in to snack time.  Ask your parents to bring in their favorite thing, game,idea to class. (All parents want to participate...just ask.) Christmas is right around the corner read Polar Express before hand you'll send home a note to parents asking that they bring their children in their PJ's you'll serve warm coco with little marshmellows at at the end of the story have the hunt their own personal bells (Cheap Christmas gifts for your students.) Get your hands on Parenting and Kids mag.s which are filled with great ideas and befreind a kindergarden teacher and pick her brain.

    In closing right now would be a great time to buy a cheap outside plastic chair in RED for a time out chair remembering 5 min.s max for time outs. First asks yourself    Was it a child like act. We can not punish a child for something they don't know was wrong. When you speak to them be on your knees at their level and Never raise your voice..lower it you'll be amazed at what they hear when you use a quite voice. When you lose the class as a whole turn the lights in the room off and quickly sit down motioning them to do the same and simply say inside voices only can be heard in this room we all need to find it so help me hunt and then get up and pretend to look. Get the idea?

    Most importantly HAVE FUN. Pay attention these little ones can teach you things if you'll just pay attention . Know what works and doesnt.  Good luck...I know you'll do asked for help. Which by the way you should also seek from your Boss who is fully aware of the challanges of two years old.

  8. Oh boy I feel for you! Well I'd like to say there is a one size fits all solution for you but since every kid is different two years can be as vast as the grand canyon. The best thing to do is talk to the parents if possible. Who knows better what makes little timmy giggle than little timmy's mom right? Well you can either cut to the case and ask the folks or try a variety of different activities and watch how each kid responds to it a trial and error deal. As far as ordering, bribing or coaxing a two-year old to do anything is a lot like pulling teeth and yes they can smell fear lol! It takes a whole lot of patience for kids that age. You have to be realistic though and ask yourself if you are the right fit for them as a care giver? I'm a mom and an aunt of many two year old experiences. And sometimes I still want to pull my hair out. It takes a special kind of nerve to hande very young kids like tots. Just a little advice from me good luck!

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