
Ideas for quick healthy family food?

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I would love some meal ideas quick and healthy for my family.I have a toddler and newborn so would like some quick to prepare ideas from all the mums and dads out there thanks




  1. on the sainsburys website they have all the recipies from those feed your family for a fiver adverts - they all seem really quick, easy and healthy

  2. Our family meals revolve around core ingredients: Potatoes, Pasta, Rice, Mince and Chicken usually.

    From that I can and do make:

    Cottage Pie

    Chilli Con Carne (Just put the tiniest amount of chilli in for the toddler then put yours in after.)

    Chicken Curry

    Chicken in Sauce (A chicken tonight style sauce) with Rice

    Spag Bol

    Baked potatoes - with tuna, cheese, beans, prawns anything!! My toddler LOVES tuna and cheese jackets!

    Fishcakes - use tuna and mash and just fry them, I also do corn beef cakes the same way, have them with some salad and potatoes.

    Fajitas - I use mince, and get a kit, then add some more veggies on top.

    I also do some other meals every once in a while. Once a week we have 'bacon and cabbage' which is basically a large bacon joint boiled, with mash and steamed cabbage with parsley sauce. We have it on a sunday instead of a roast, my toddler loves it!!

    I also sometimes do: Fish and chips, I bread the fish myself and use oven chips.

    Pizza - again I make it myself, it's surprisingly easy and great fun to do with the kids.

    Salads - it's good to get the kids eating them early

    Beans on toast if we're being very lazy!!

  3. for toddlers, you want to keep the salt way down - adult levels of salt have killed babies, whose kidneys and liver are not strong enough to process it.  also, do not EVER give a toddler (under 3 or who is smaller than average) fat-free, fat-reduced anything.

    are you breastfeeding the newborn?  if so, you'll need a bit more in your diet.

    my favourite foods are:

    -- eggs scrambled with a wide variety of stuff - chopped veg like peppers, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, carrots, and so on.  you can also top with cheese

    - grilled cheese sandwich - i add thinly-sliced tomatoes and onions and sometmies a bit of finely-chopped chicken or ham

    - chicken or beef stew - can't go wrong!

  4. Spaghetti bog, shepherds pie. sausages/yorkshire/mash/tinned toms with sweet chilli sauce/or baked beans .

    chiken fahitas

    casserole, stews,



  5. Pasta.Spagetti.

  6. I base most things on pasta or rice...I buy brown...or is MUCH better than the white stuff. You can make a cold pasta salad with ham chopped up, basil, tomato, raw peppers and spring onions...a nit of olice oil. You can make it with pesto and tomatoes....with cheese on can have plain pasta with mince sauce, with fish...anything....stir fires are good....put the veg in last and dont cook it soft so the nutrients stay in.

  7. Fry up a VERY BIG batch of mince and onions then drain off the fat.

    Split this into FOUR

    To one portion add:

    Oxo cube/gravy



    Sliced mushroom

    Boil up and mash some potatoes and make into a cottage pie.

    To another TWO portions add a jar of dolmio (or similar) plus chopped, cooked bacon, cubed carrot and sliced celery

    Split into two again.

    Use 1 for spaghetti bolognaise.

    Use the other to make a lasagna/canaloni etc

    (White cheese sauce can be bought but it's dead wasy to make too)

    To the last portion add a jar of chilli sauce (Probably the mildest one if you want your toddler to eat it)

    Serve with rice and/or tortilla chips and grated cheese.

    Eat one one night, have another in the fridge for the following night and freeze the others.

    Preparation is probably an hour but after that its just a case of bunging them in the oven to heat through.

    You can also serve mince over jacket spuds.

    Minced turkey is an alternative too.

  8. my mum just cooks some onions in a frying oan, adds indian spices like cumin and tumeric and then adds chopped cabbage and then leaves it to cook after a bit of stirring, and its the best!! This could be done with any vegetables :swede, Cauliflower, potato, leeks or with a mixture, spinach and potato go really well together as do potato and leek. It could be eaten with some rice, or just heaped onto toast or stuffed into pittas although you could just eat on by itself.

    You could also do basic pasta, boil it and add a sauce to it (my family find that Sacla sauce is the best :olivend tomato..yum!!) and heap some veggies on top!

    boiled eggs and a few boiled potatoes with a piece of toast are delicious when there is nothing else or you just cant be bothered to cook.

    You could make your own fish fingers, its also quite cheap. You could get some off cuts of fish and rip them apart w

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