
Ideas for summer care for my 7 year old son?

by  |  earlier

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figured i'd get an early start this year - i'm needing care for my 7 year old this summer, but i don't know where to start! any ideas or suggestions?

there is a boys and girls club in the area, but they are only open 12-5, and i work 40 hours a week, so that wouldn't work . . . i'm on a limited income, so YMCA is out of the question (unless someone knows if they have scholarships for day camp??), don't have family close by that is able to help, and he's a big (tall) 7 year old, so regular daycare wouldn't be good either. . . any suggestions?? i'm in the cincinnati area, if that helps . . . thanks!!




  1. Take the summer off. ♥

  2. see if the city or county have recreation programs for children.  ours run full day and don't cost much.  YMCA does have scholarships if you meet the requirements.

  3. There are a lot of government programs available.  In Georgia they are done by the county you live in but if you go to the county website and look into parks and recreation there are usually some really great, inexpensive day camps.  I know you are not in Georgia but this may help.

  4. The city I live in has programs like day camps you can send your children to during the summer, look into that. Are your work hours crazy hours or are they set? Look up your cities website and see what kind of programs they offer for your children. Also ask your school if they have a program there. If you go to church some churches have summer day camps.

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