
Ideas for things I can do on a Long drive with my girlfriend?

by  |  earlier

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My girlfriend and I are going to be driving for about 4 to 5 hours on our vacation this labor day and are going to have a good deal of time to kill on the road. Sure there is the standard CD and radio that you can do, and maybe even a audio book, but any ideas or getting conversations going, or doing something else in the car?




  1. Already sweet of you to consider:

    1. Let her sleep

    2. Talk about:

        a. he happiest childhood memory

        b. her career goals

        c. what's one thing no one else knows

        d. Bring up conversations no one wants to talk about like politics and religion, it's okay if you fight.

        e. Reflect back on what first attracted you to her

        f. Talk about what you would like to work on better in your relationship

        g. But make sure to end on what you do like about your relationship.

    3. Play dumb car games like license plate stuff

    4. Blast the radio and sing songs really loud together

    5. Make faces at other people in their cars and see who gets the funniest reaction.

    6. Don't be afraid of a quite moment, if there is one, ask her "what are you thinking about?"

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