
Ideas for things to do with older kids?

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I'm going to be volunteering once a week working with a group of kids who are between the ages of 8 and 10. This is a whole new world for me! I've worked with toddlers for years but never with older kids.

I've been asked to prepare a few ideas of things to do with the kids. I have no ideas! I don't even really know what kids this age like to do. I myself was never into dolls or things like that, so it's hard for me to come up with ideas.

Any suggestions would really be appreciated! Thank you!




  1. I would start off with something that gets them moving and blood flowing.  Kids that age need to run around and get some energy out before they are ready to sit down and be still.  If you can't go outside and play a game with a ball or frisbee, or even something as simple as duck duck goose, then maybe you can play some music and do free style dancing with them inside.  Or do a game where they dance and when you pause the music they have to freeze, the one's who don't freeze sit down till the last person is left standing.  OR you could even do musical chairs.  If you get the same group of kids each week, ask them for their favorite songs and try to bring them the next time (as long as the music is age appropriate! LOL)

    After they've spent some energy running around, a snack and drink would be a good idea along with a craft or team project, or even board games.

    Good Luck!!!!!  Most kids that age just love having the attention of an adult!!!!

  2. have some sports that they can do. have them do little art projects for their parents. have a snack time and some free time. that should get you started.

  3. there are hundreds of kinds of tag too. We like to play "blob tag" where the person who is "it" tags someone and then they both become "it". It goes on and on and the "it" blob gets bigger and bigger until you get everyone. The last one tagged is it for the next round.

    Then there is octopus tag where you try to make your way across a field. At "go" the kids try to run to the other side without getting tagged. Those who get tagged sit down and become octupi. The next time, they can also tag people with their arms as the people run by.

    Partner tag- (I forget the cute name for it) is where everyone stands around with partners with elbows linked. There is an "it" person and someone who is free. The free person can go link arms with anyone and then their partner s then the free person. If the free person gets tagged, they become it. It is a fun game because at any moment, you could be tagged to come in and run. Kids get really giggly.

    To better explain the partnering:

    Person A and person B are partners. They have arms linked.

    (AB)  person Z is the free person. They are looking to be safe, so they link arms with person A (ZAB). Person B is then free and has to run from the "it"person or link with another person.

  4. soccer, kickball, capture the flag, arts and crafts, movies, charades.  try to have a mix of things because some kids will love playing sports, some will like doing arts and crafts, some will like acting, etc.

  5. Kids like that age have lots of energy.  Make relay races, baloon toses, it'll be fun!  Also buy some board games (Monopaly, no baby board games).  Have fun with them, don't be too strict!

    Have fun=]


  6. Make a 'treasure' hunt, i always loved those, still do! (i'm thirteen) Get a kickball and if they don't know the rules, tell them, they'll have a blast. It also might be a good idea to bring bottled water and some snacks.

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