
Ideas for what to make a pyramid out of?

by  |  earlier

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I have a pyramid project due in about a week for my History class. My friend and I are working together on it. My teacher said we can make it out of anything we want and get really creative with it, but I don't know to make it with! I want our pyramid to be AWESOME, but I don't know how to do that. Some ideas would help. :] Thanks.




  1. I'd try using foam core board. You can get it at WalMart or any office supply store. Use a sharp razor blade or Xacto knife to cut it. Cut four isosceles triangles and use the remainder of the board as a base. You can hot glue the pieces together or just tape them. As a surface finish, you could paint it a sandy color, or even better get some premixed joint compound (spackle would probably work too) from a hardware store and smear a thin coat over the entire pyramid surface. If it's too thick, it will take long to dry and you'll likely get cracks (fix by just refilling). Before it dries hard, you can gently scratch lines across it to simulate joints between the stones. After it's dry try painting with some diluted acrylic paint. Burnt sienna will give it a red cast; add some white to desaturate the color some. It would be a good idea to make a test piece and try some different colors.

  2. paper mache its messy and fun

  3. why don't you just make a pyramid out of cupcakes. everyone loves cupcakes.

    or you can cut up cake, and frost the whole thing so that it looks more realistic

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