
Ideas on a vegetarian/vegan website.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for ideas from others and would greatly appreciate the help!

I planned out starting the website off (home page) by introducing my self and explaining the site. The second page will explain why I'm devoted to animals, why I became a vegetarian then a vegan, and why you should consider it.

That's as much as I got for the website part.

It is mostly going to be an online vegetarian/vegan community. A place where they can come and discuss it and the way they feel without being ridiculed.

Ideas for forum topics> Introduction of being new to the site and why you chose the path of devotion towards animals, A place to talk freely about it and discuss about what's going on, recipes and proper nutrition,how to do it the right way and not hurt yourself, animal safe products (like hygiene products,apparel, and other things), ways to explain yourself towards others who don't understand why you are doing it and how to defend your self or just ignore people...

Much help needed. THANKS




  1. this link will help a bit

    it explains some things about how lifestyle choice can save you $

    IF you want to include a link to that page in your site you have my permission to do so.. HOWEVER YOU DO NOT have my permission to copy anything I have written... (thats a copywrite law infrindegment)...

    anyhow one thing to include is that ANY TIME you buy ANYTHING NEW>. you harm the earth and animals.. everything is made from something.. and the manufacturing process pollutes the air and enviroment plus resources are used to make stuff.. so its alway better to buy USED stuff.. or not to buy stuff at all...

    also tell people to switch to Vegetarianism SLOWLY.. not over night..

    encourage them to eat FREE RANGE EGGS - not battery hen eggs.. and cut down on the amount of meat they eat...

  2. What exactly is the question? Sorry, bit slow. ^^;

  3. Good for you! The more information there is out there, the more heads it will turn.

    It's worth using the words 'animal exploitation' instead of just 'suffering'. When you talk about suffering, people get the idea into their head that if they cause a little less suffering, then they're a good person. They get stuck in lacto-ovo vegetarianism and that's why we have so many lifelong vegetarians who refuse to listen to what's wrong with eggs, milk, honey, shellac etc.

    Sure, get people to do it gradually, but make sure you keep prattling on about the goal of veganism. You don't want people to stop short of veganism thinking that it's ok to not eat dairy but eat shellfish or something crazy.

    This leads to my next point... the most important thing for you to do is to point out that eating flesh & products causes exploitation, which is immoral. Environmental, humanitarian and health arguments should be secondary to that. If someone goes vegan for health reasons because of what you've told them, they're more likely to quit it or have a quater-pounder every now and again as a 'treat' - people who go vegan because exploitation is immoral wouldn't do that. They're also much less likely to carry the message to others and get others to go vegan.

    Also, do you know about It's a networking site for vegans, it'd be worth going on there and advertising your website and to meet other vegans.

  4. Point out that there many reasons to not eat animal products:


    Environmental reasons

    Moral/spiritual/religious reasons

    Social reasons

    (Raising animals for food is an extremely inefficient way to feed a growing human population. The U.S. livestock population consumes enough grain and soybeans to feed more than five times the entire U.S. population. One acre of pasture produces an average of 165 pounds of beef; the same acre can produce 20,000 pounds of potatoes. If Americans reduced their meat consumption by only 10 percent, it would free 12 million tons of grain annually for human consumption. That alone would be enough to adequately feed each of the 60 million people who starve to death each year. )

  5. You are  on the right track to help people.  i believe that people who will go to your site will be ones like you that want to get information mostly about why be a vegetarian as well as what is best  to eat to keep health up.  Reason not to eat meat.  There is a good site that has a question and answer area that you can get answers about why not to eat meat such as the cruel way they kill animals and what they put in the feed for the animals. The hormones,  

    It even goes on a lot about organic food and vegetables that have beengrown with  unatural fertilizers  and chemicals and the changes that happen in the body because of  eating meat and products that have used  chemicals to process them.

    Just be honest and give  answers to the point and some who may be rude need some solid facts to  get them to understand

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