
Ideas on how to get a toddler (16 months) to eat veggies.?

by Guest64465  |  earlier

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Note: My husband and I eat veggies in front of him all the time, and we eat a variety of vegetables at dinner time.

All of a sudden my son has stopped eating his veggies completely.




  1. Make the food fun, let them "help" you make the food that you are serving. It gives them a sense of accomplishment and will make them proud to eat the food. Veggies or not. Good luck!

  2. My son did this too.  Does he like cheese?  If so put cheese all over them, works for my son, maybe for you also.  Good luck

  3. dip them in chocolate

  4. make it fun.

    make smily faces out of it.

    let him help make the foot



  5. food coloring

  6. Just keep offering them.  My daughter went through a little phase where she wouldn't eat them, so when my husband and I ate them in front of her we made a lot of comments about how yummy they were, and told her, "Good thing you don't like them, more for Mommy and Daddy." LOL.  Eventually she started actually asking for them.  She still won't have anything to do with broccoli or peas though...;-)

  7. My son is a picky eater. It drives me insane. His favorite veggie is green bell peppers! Cut them into slices and he goes wild. But I have a hard time getting him to eat other veggies. I was shocked when my friend brought carrots to the park and he wanted some too. I try all the time to get him to eat for me and he wont. Maybe if your little one sees other kids eating them, he will to! Can't hurt to try.

  8. this happened with my twins they are 17mths i started buying the gerber graduates

    good luck it worked me for  

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