
Ideas on improving the community?

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I'm wiriting a paper on how to improve my community and I'm kind of stuck. Can you guys give me some ideas on how to improve my community? THANKS!!!




  1. clean it up

  2. I would love to help you but I don't know what services your community already has and what it lacks.  You might try going to United Way website for your area and see what programs that there are and what is lacking.  Maybe a teen center would help keep kids off the street, away from gangs, get homework help, educate in teen pregnancy and emphasize education.  Maybe teens in your area could help seniors with minor household chores, painting, yard work, snow removal (if you are in an area requiring it)  shopping for seniors.  Perhaps this would be considered "extra credit" for school or some other incentive.  Maybe everyone can bring a couple cans of food to school to help out the food banks in your area.  Most food banks are seriously running out of food.

    Maybe the older kids to help the younger kids learn to read and help them with homework.

    Best of luck to you!

  3. "Adopt" a senior in a Nursing HOme that needs companionship. It is a program we had for years and it was a great success. Remeber their birthdays, anniveersarues or llife events that they are able to share. Have a day and time to be there. It gives great hope and comfort.

  4. recycle

    crime watch

    adopt a highway

  5. Try clean-up drives, tutorial sessions and games for kids. But you don't have to do them all. Gather your neighbors and together initialize these activities. For sure, you'll have a happy community aside from a good grade!

  6. more activities for families and children would help greatly...good luck with your paper!

  7. Raise your children to become responsible adults. You've heard "it takes a village to raise a child?" This is true. When I was growing up, if I did something wrong, the neighbors would report me to my parents & they would deal with me. Now, if you tell someone what their child is doing, they deny it & defend the child. This sends the child the message that they can get away with anything.

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