
Ideas on my predicted height.?

by  |  earlier

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I know these types of questions are everywhere, but i still want to ask.

I'm 13 and 4 months, and i'm nearly 5"6, i'm not going to act naively and say "I'm so short" just to get reassurance that i'm not, because i know i'm not.

I've tested out about 10 height predictors online, and they all say i'll be 5"7-5"8 when i'm fully grown at around 17 or 18.

This doesn't seem particularly plausible as i'm already an inch or so shy from that.

I don't know if this is any consilation, but my Dad was 6"1 and my mums 5"4.5 ish and i'm around the 100-110 lbs mark.

I hope to grow to be around 5"8, but i'm not sure if i'll make it there, or i'll shoot up to 5"11 or something, which i doubt, but hey.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.




  1. We were truly concerned about our daughter's very slow growth compared to all her year in school. It got to the stage where we visited a German expert who simply took an X-Ray of her left hand/wrist and examined a 'Growth plate' in that area. At the time she was 13 and only about 5' ... he predicted she would attain 5'5'' and thats what she is now at 18 yrs.!! You sound perfect by the way!

  2. First of all, you don't stop growing until you are about 21.  But I am 5'4 and my ex is 5'11. Our son is 18 and he is now 6'3!  It used to be said that you would be somewhere between the heighth of your mother and father. But now they know it also has to do with your family like your aunts and uncles etc. Both sides of our family have taller people than we are, so I think that is where he is getting it.

  3. Why do you want to be 5'8 instead of say 5'6 or 5'9?

    You grow to whatever height you grow to, that's all there is to say.

    There isn't any real way to predict your adult height with online predictors, everybody has growth spurts at slightly different ages and grows different amounts during those spurts.

    I don't understand why you are concerned enough to try to predict your height.

    If you turn out a bit shorter or taller than 5'8 are you going to have surgery to attain your ideal?

  4. 5'8" will probably be the tallest.


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