
Ideas on what i can do for summer?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike 13 and have no idea what i should do sor summer. I was thinking on something like joining a sport but i have no idea how to play, so pleas i'm desprate! Any ideas?




  1. You can volunteer at:


    Local Library

    Nursing Homes

    Rehabilitation Centers for the Disabled

    Parks & Recreation

    Privately owned gardening centers

    Day Care Centers

    Mow a lawn for an elderly neighbor

    Also, do not overlook your local animal shelters. They always need someone to play with and walk the animals.

    Homeless shelters

    Food Banks

    Soup Kitchens

    Botanical Gardens


  2. I am trying to find something to do over summer, I think I might do a different sport like ice skating. I am still think.  My mom wants me to volunteer at the library. Have fun whatever you do.

  3. Maybe the library if you have one nearby. Most libraries have summer reading programs and could use the extra help keeping the children entertained! You should contact them to ask about all the activities they have planned for the summer and show your interest in helping out.

    I know my next suggestion might seem like a complete yawn, but elderly people enjoy the company of others. This is a very rewarding experience and a moment that you will never forget. You would be amazed by the amazing stories I've heard from elderly people. They have lived through so much history and it is fascinating to hear them talk about it.

    If you have a local animal shelter, you could check to see if they could use help cleaning or walking the animals. I am not 100% sure, but I would think that since you are 13 years old that they might say no. However, in my opinion, it never hurts to ask!

    Another way to find opportunities is to talk to your church youth minister. They might know of some people that attend your church that could use help with yard work or such. Or maybe if they need volunteers for Vacation Bible School.

    I hope these ideas help you out and give you several more ideas on things that you could do to help others! Good luck!

  4. Volunteer at your local animal shelter

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