
Ideas to do with kids i'm babysitting?

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I'm babysitting these kids once a week from like 10-3 and I need things to do with them. I'm to young to drive so i really can't take them any where. I am really responsible so can handle and cooking or big messes to clean up. The kids are 8,5,3,2,and1 (the one and two year old would most likely be asleep when we do this so don't worry about them and the 3 year old usually lets me help him) oh yea they are all boys too.

Any crafts or baking or anything would be helpful. THANK YOU!!!




  1. if you are given cash or have some to spend then visit a store like Michael's(craft hobbie shop) or a dollar store. I know they sell activities like at camp in kits. Don't think that because they are all males that cooking is out.  My son and Friends love to try new recipes. Specially hot spicy taco type things. Try the Internet lots of good suggestions there. if close by the local library is good specially in bad weather. the 8 and 5 year old might like to have a lemonade stand. Make playdo from flour and salt and water find recipe on web.

  2. boys like cars if you get a good size piece of cardboard make roads they will have alot of fun..

  3. That's a lot of boys to handle, especially if you are too young to drive!!

    Make homemade play-dough, it is really fun (and it's safe to eat-although I don't recommend it :-D )

    1 c. peanut butter

    2/3-1 c. nonfat dry milk

    2 tbsp. honey

  4. I think baking is always a great thing to do with kids, because it teaches them math, how to wash their hands and use proper hygiene, and at the end of the project they get the satisfaction of eating something yummy they made themselves.  I like to do a simple sugar cookie recipe, because they can get their hands messy and using a variety of cookie cutters you can help the younger ones with their shapes and the older ones can get creative decorating!

  5. You can make butter from whipping cream-

    get a large jar (twice as big as the amount of cream) and take turns shaking the cream until it clumps (might take 20+ minutes). Press out the buttermilk and add salt. you can then use the butter on your home-made bread or in the cookies. :)

    I also read about making home-made ice-cream using a coffee can... have never done it but sounded easy:

    Do they have a yard to play in? you can set up yard games , play with squirt guns, set up a lemonade stand, make a tent...

  6. Go to the dollar store, have someone drive you and spaend $20 max. You could get some fun oudoor toys and tools to do. Go see buy

  7. playing school is always helpful, and playing their favorite game.

  8. i do day care and I have found the following things kids like to do... we put foil on the table of course we used a table outdoors cause it is messy and the smaller kids would klove it as well and we took some pudding and we let the kids paint with it they loved it....

    another idea we did was baking cookies and let the kids decorate their own cookies the way they want it.

    we would make tissue paper collages roll up small piece of tissue paper and let them glue it to black paper... you can even do same colors to make rainbow on black paper.... another idea we did was take a paper plate cut out the cemnter of it take long strips of either tissue paper or construction opaper and make about 1 to 2 inch strips and staple or glue just on one side and tie a string to it and kids can hang them up...

    another one kids love is fingerpainting bread : you would need food coloring some milk and slice of bread mix some milk in cup add some food coloring then let the kids paint three bread then put it in the toadster to topast it and it comes out nice

  9. Cooking defo

    as your teaching them hygiene washing your hands etc and your teaching them to cook and its a bit of maths eg measuring

    and they get a tasty treat at the end.

    and they can all get involved eg stirring measuring, pouring,

    mayeb as fathers day is coming up they could get crafty adn make cards etc for their dad.

    eg sticking glueing,


  10. When I babysit i bake ALL the time.

    But set rules. The boys will get messy. VERY MESSY. So make the number one rule. Whoever leaves the kitchen doesn't get any cookies/cake when we're done. It will keep them in line.

    And if the children don't end of liking the sweets, then leave them on a nice little plate for their parents. They always love that.

    Have fun with the boys!

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