
Ideas to go from bassinette to cot?

by  |  earlier

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ugh you think they would all be the same but their not LOL ..

Nathaniel is my 3rd baby and the only one ive had a bassinette for , the others went straight into a cot in a snuggle bed

He is now 8.5 kg or about 18 pounds+ and needs to get out of the bassinette but he loves it so , so much

how did you all go about moving them on?

ideas to make him happy in the cot?

he stares at the pattern on the bassinette liner and drifts off to sleep ....poor kiddy because it is little blue flowers LOL

much appreciated





  1. LOL can you try getting the pattern he likes as cot sheets or put it somewhere where he can see it to make him feel like he's still in the basinette?

    I have heard of some ppl not recommending mobiles etc to hang on over the cot. But perhaps you could find one that interests and relaxes him and sends him off to sleep- like a previous answerer said you can get light shows- i have seen some at k-mart and target.    

  2. no wonder he is sleeping so well!  LOL :)  I know i probably shouldn't be giving any 'sleep' advice, but i do know a few tricks that have worked for most NORMAL babies.. haha  And you never said you tried it yet.. .did you?  if not, you may be surprised!! he may even like it better, who knows!! anyway..

    first of all, as i'm sure you already do, establish a routine.  this time, instead of incorporating the bassinette, incorporate his crib (cot).. is the bassinette still in your room?  if so, he is going to need you close by the first few tries so he smells and hears you and knows he can still be comforted by you if anything goes wrong.  i'm sure a lot of nights when he's woken up, but heard or smelled you, knowing you were close by, and with that comforting thought, drifted back to sleep.  or even try to move his bassinette into his room so it's not two huge changes at once and then after a couple nights, move him into his cot. at least he'll be familiar with the distance between you two, and his own room.

    Keep in mind that he's sleeping through the night.  that's going to make it TEN times easier!! if he was still getting up to eat/ a restless sleeper when you tried to switch him, it would be wayy more difficult to get him adjusted to a new bed, when he hadn't even adjusted to his nighttime routine/ sleep yet.  

    secondly, get him sheets or a bumper or something that he can look at that has a pattern on it.  i know they say bumpers are bad now, but i have dylan's in his crib anyway.  he looks at the animal faces or the bars (contrast of the bars) on the crib while drifting off to sleep.  nathaniel is a self-soother already if he is doing this, and will probably adjust faster than you think in his new bed!!

    lullabies are great too.  if you want to give me your address i can send you dylan's lullaby CD.  My aunt found it at some random place and bought it for my sister's baby.  (like a value city or something)... and OMG.  This CD is a MIRACLE.  Dylan started sleeping longer and more often as soon as i started using it.  It's soo calming and soothing, unlike any other lullaby cd - seriously!!  ALso, get a rain machine or a sound machine with it.  put them on both softly and simultaneously.. it'll keep his mind occupied, but soothed, at the same time.

    OH, and don't wait until nightime to start using the cot.  put him down in it for all of his naps.  if he is having a lot of trouble with it, maybe the first few times leave him in there for ONLY his naps.  Try to put him down at bedtime first but if he really isnt having it, switch him over to the bassinette.  but don't give in during naptime!!  Dylan would only sleep in his graco soothing center for awhile.. so i started to put him in his crib for his naps.  he also wanted to sleep all day but would be up all night.. so i was like nooo way.  you're going in your crib!! :)

    and really.. they're babies, and they can adjust quicker than we think sometimes.  when he's tired, he WILL go to sleep!!  it may take awhile, and you may need to go in there a few times to "shh him" or gently rub his belly or forehead (that spot between the eyes!! lol) or give him a binky or whatever.. but eventually, he'll get the point and he'll be sleeping like a champ again in his 'big boy' bed, AKA his cot.

    good luck and happy sleeping!! :)

  3. I had massive problems with getting my 3 month old son to sleep.  He would just lie awake and cry for hours, then when he finally went to sleep he would wake every hour or two hours through the night and cry again!  Talk about pulling our hair out .... we were absolutely desperate for sleep!

    It was a baby sleep audio program recommended by a friend that finally saved us. We followed the advice and began by creating a baby sleep routine which included bathtime, dimming of the lights, putting Paul into his crib, final nappy change and then lullabies. We also made recommended changes to his naps during the day and used some of the other recommended techniques. Within two weeks he was sleeping through the night most nights with just the odd night where he would just wake once!

    Definitely start by creating a good baby sleep routine though and you could find that solves most of your baby sleep problems.

    Good luck!

    If you want to take a look, the audio program is at

  4. ahhhhhhh

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