
Ideas to keep 2 year old out of fridge?

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My two and a half year old daughter has discovered how to open the fridge. Even at times when I try to open it I have to pull a few times because the seal is strong but Brianna found out if you pull on the bottom corner it pops right open. Usually it isn't much of a problem. When she opens it on her own she gets disciplined because all my kids are taught not to open the fridge unless they ask first, which my boys and older daughter all do now. The problem is that twice now Brianna has woken up in the morning or during the night, goes downstairs without waking anyone up and opens the fridge destroying eggs, pouring out milk and juice and leaving the door open. The fridge has already been giving us problems and soon will be replaced but until either me or my husband has time for that we don't want to risk the fridge dying on us, which we know will happen if she keeps getting into it and leaving it open like that not to mention the mess that's left to clean up in the morning.




  1. get a lock

  2. My brother-in-law's dogs used to get into the fridge!  He found locks at Walmart.  

    But, frankly, I'd be more worried about Brianna getting up and going outside.  Last week, about 6:30 AM, I was driving down the road and found a small child in the middle of the road pushing a doll in a carriage.  She was not yet 2 years old and had wandered out of her home.  I took her to the nearest house and her parents were horrified that she had gotten out.  The parents had dead bolt locks on the doors, but she had figured out how to open the locks.

    Last winter, I saw a small child on the porch of his house in only a diaper when the temperature was -20'!  He was also less than 2 and had gotten out and could not get back in.  The parents were asleep and were horrified that he was on the porch.

    Can you lock Brianna's bedroom door or otherwise insure that she does not get outside?  The fridge is the least of your problems!  Imagine what might have happened if I had not come along and found these 2 children!

  3. If you go to walmart in the baby section there is a child proof lock that goes on the fridge to keep little ones out! Just like the ones you can get for your cupboard but for your fridge, they work wonders!

  4. A child-proof lock on the fridge and a baby gate at the entrance to the kitchen. I do not understand the concept of not letting kids in the fridge without asking though? I would think they are members of the family and so it is their fridge and food too. I guess that because mine are older and I could not image having to get them a drink everytime they want one. I think it is mean not to let kids have a snack or a drink when they want. I have asked my family and we all think it is weird.

  5. lol, my used to do this. It was a pain but got some funny pictures. I got these things from the's 2 button sort of things, one you stick on the door the other on the side of the fridge and you join them with a rubber thing so if your child can't reach it she can't open the fridge. I got them in the baby section at the supermarket. I also stuck one on the TV cabinet

    Edit: here's a website that has similar things to the thing I so "eloquently" described

  6. Get a LOCK your pediatrician's office can tell you if there is a store locally where you can buy them.

    Do it NOW. My son learned how to open the refrigerator at about that age and one day decided to HIDE in it. I caught him climbing in (thank GOD) because he could have died if he had climbed in and closed the door.

  7. there ARE locks

    try wal mart and target...i have seen them everywhere!

  8. i think every one missed another problem here.. a 2 and a half year old shouldn't be going down the stairs herself! she could fall so easily!  i would put a gate at the top of the stairs for not just the fridge reason.  that doesnt fix the problem during the day though, just keep telling her no.  i wouldn't stick her in time out for things like that, it just becomes a boring 2 minutes instead of a punishment technique if you use it too much. i just explained to my daughter that whatever she nees i will help her get if she asks and she doesnt bother with it anymore she just asks.  there are locks but that would be a pain for you to have to remember. i would just try the gate at the top of the stairs or at her bedroom door so she cant get out at night, it reall ywould be safer.

  9. stair gate at the kitchen door keeps are son out

  10. Get a lock and put on the door for the night time. During the day, if she gets into it, firmly tell her "No" and stick her in time out.

  11. I wish I knew where to tell you to buy one, but I did used to have a very strong velcro latch that is intended to keep little ones out. it works like a belt between the door and the side of the fridge. It helps until they get old enough to even pull that open, but it was actually even tough for myself to open it before I could get in, so it discourages everyone from bothering.

    lol edit* it's funny when people tell you to tell your kids, "no" like we don't do that as well hehe... of course their intentions are all good but yeah haha

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