
Ideas to keep my 4 year old amused over the school holidays?

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help my 4 year old is just sooo bored struggling to keep him entertained dont want to sit him front of telly all day but dont have much money to take him anywhere




  1. Take him to the park which is free and play football or go on the slides etc. Feed the ducks, play boat races with sticks on the river.

    Go to your nearest big store and explore the toy shop, remind him its just a looking day.

    Go to your local library, sometimes they have have story and activity days. if not, sit and read a book together.

    Has your local pub got an indoor play area? You only need to buy a coke and the play area is free ( it is near us).

    Have a treasure hunt, make a list of things you need to find/see before you come home ( a bus stop, find a stone, see a dog etc.) have a little 'prize 'waiting for him if he ticks everything off the list.

  2. finger paint






  3. Break your day into smaller pieces and try to stick to a schedule. For example:

    7:30 am wake up- breakfast, dress for the day, make bed.

    8:15 -9:00 House chores (feed pets, carry laundry to laundry room, empty trash)

    9:00 to 10:30 outside play (or during ugly weather physical play in garage or more physical games such as throwing blocks into a laundry hamper set at different distances)

    10:30 - 11:30 Table activities (coloring, painting, play-doh, cut and paste, building with legos, sticker games) and clean up.

    11:30 1/2 hour of a movie or tv while lunch is prepared

    12:00 lunch and help clean up

    1:00 nap or rest time

    2:30 - 3:00 reading time

    3:00 - 4:30 Outside play or inside games or creative play (dress up and act out stories)

    4:30 clean up and put away toys. Help set the table for dinner

    4:45 - 5:30 or so TV or part of a movie while dinner is prepared (unless there is something he can help with)


    Help clean up

    Bathtime, allow time for play in the water.

    Story before bed, and lights out.

    Now that you have a basic schedule, you can decide what to leave out on days there is something special to do, or how to change it to allow for something like T-ball or play dates.

    Try to keep eating and resting times the same and the rest you can manipulate. He will be happier if he knows what to expect and he doesn't get over tired.

  4. send him to plat centres

  5. colors, crafts, the park, playing in the backyard, cooking, games......

  6. A nice walk, my little'uns love the park and it does not cost a penny

  7. If you have a garden, get him to help you clear a small area, plant some bulbs and let him look after it.

  8. The park or maybe or on an adventure trail or something, or maybe a petting zoo. They are relatively inexpensive

  9. Don't know where you're from but if you live in or near London you could try looking at for some ideas.

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