
Ideas to make my room like rome italy. i want my room to remind me of rome. please help?

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Ideas to make my room like rome italy. i want my room to remind me of rome. please help?




  1. Well, Roman interior design is extremely diverse. In Rome it ranges from an antique look to extremely modern. It really has to come from what you remember most about Rome. When I think of Rome, I think of a little balcony with flowers and vines climbing up the wall. I think a light cream yellow should probably be your base color and you should have an all white bed with some accent pillows and on your walls you should hang your favorite pictures of rome in black in white. Bring in a lot of detailed woodwork, and on your side table have either fuscia pink flowers or a large vase of sunflowers.

  2. i think my room is italian !! i have gold cushions, tie backs, lamps,and accesories i have chocolate curtains and bedcovers and rug, i have coffee walls (the one behind my bed is gold and chocolate wallpaper) and i have laminate flooring i love my room !!! and so does everyone else :)

  3. In addition to the good decor ideas you've gotten, how about getting a really great picture of your favorite sight in Rome and enlarging it to 18"x24" (even if it comes out fuzzy, it'll still be cool), then getting one of those window-frame mirrors and putting 1/4 of the photo in each square -- so it's like you're looking out a window at Rome!

  4. I like the idea of a print or two on the wall too.  Here are some of the pictures I took there last year...

  5. I rekon u should get some of them things u draw inside to make a shape!!!!!!

    i forgot what they are called.....silver and gold will work good, drawing of sculptures in a classy way.... next to a lamb in the corner....get some dark brown wood aswell, use ure mind

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