
Identical Twins Have to be the Same s*x?

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Okay, this has been bothering me for weeks now; it is pretty much my own ego that needs this to be answered. A weird boy posted this question about dressing like a girl for prom because he lost a bet with his identical twin SISTER. I tried to explain that I know identical twins have to be the same s*x and even found old Yahoo resolved questions stating this. So please just help me out here. They have to be right? Heres the link to weird boy question:;_ylt=AqXIutFF0sPJr.Cor_5LzHTty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080610214556AAKsVkn&show=7#profile-info-kR5OxJmYaa





  1. Being an identical twin means that you share the same genetic makeup. Since gender is determined by your genes, yes, identical twins are always the same gender.

  2. They do have to be the same s*x.  Identical twins have the exact same genotype because they came from the same fertilized egg.  One sperm cannot create both a male and female child, because each sperm carries only an X or a Y s*x chromosome--never both.

    (Ok, so that's not true.  Sometimes both, but it's rare and has no bearing on your question, even if that were the case for this pair.)

  3. Different s*x identical twins are easily identical at birth.

    But they will always grow up and look different.

  4. yes ur right if the egg divides then they both have the same s*x and are identical if the mother produces two eggs thats twins and not identical even if the same s*x.

  5. Identical twins HAVE to be the same s*x.

    Identical twins happen when a zygote separates, therefor they have the same DNA.

  6. It is scientifically proved fact that identical twins have always same DNA  and according to me no one can challenge this fact!

  7. Yes identical twins must be the same s*x. An egg is fertlised with a sperm. That sperm either has an X or a Y chromosome. If it has an X, the resulting fetus will be female, if it's a Y, it'll be male. The same fertilised egg gives rise to both of the twins, and they have identical DNA.

  8. Identical twins are ALWAYS the same s*x.

    The weird boy obviously doesn't know the difference.

  9. yes, they do have to be the same s*x. only fraternal twins can be different sexes.

  10. Identicals are created from the same embyo that for whatever reason split into two or more seperate embyos.

    Fraternials are created when not one, but two or more eggs get fertilized at the same time.

    The only way he could have an identical sister if he had a s*x change.

  11. Yes, they have to be the same s*x otherwise they are fraternal twins, not identical.  That guy is lying.  Identical twins have the same DNA.  A girl and a boy cannot have the same DNA.  Girls are XX and boys are XY.

  12. Yeah.

    They have to be identical because its like one cell split it two, I believe.

    And you can't really be both.

    Your right.

  13. Identical twins are from the same egg that splits to form two babies with the same DNA meaning Identical including their gender,

    Fraternal twins are when Two eggs are fertilized by two sperm  they can be the same s*x or different sexes. and though similar having the same mom and pop (usually) they are not identical

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