
Identify the different forms of government and be able to distinguish one from the other?

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Identify the different forms of government and be able to distinguish one from the other?




  1. These are from my political science class, my class notes, not sure if this is wat u were lookin for, good luck.

                                 Types of Government

    Unitary System

     A single governing body that has ultimately authority over all maters of policy.  There may be regional governments (who have been delegated the powers), but their powers can be changed at any time by the central government.

     The National government has ultimate authority in this political system!  They can do it unilaterally, without any special process

    Federal System

     You also have national and regional government – same as unitary

     Difference: Who has control over the division of powers between the levels

     The authority to deal with public policy is divided between a central and regional governments, but that division of powers cannot be changed by the central government acting alone.

     Central power cannot act unilaterally to change regional government.  Some form of agreement must be part of their changing of powers

    Confederal System – extremely rare

     Also have national gov. and some regional gov. – but the regional govs. alone are the ones that create the national government.

     Regional govs. alone hold the power to change the National Government.

     Only very limited powers given to the National Gov.

     Ultimate authority rests with the regional governments.  The regional govs. working together, can change the powers of the national government completely.  

     In some: the member regions could leave at any time if they wish (this is taking it to the extreme)

     They retain sovereignty

     Examples that we have tend to be unstable; when things get tough, the regional governments just leave; domino effect

     Example: Best example is Switzerland

    o Cantons are determinants of power of the national government

     Example: European Union

    o It has its own parliament; it has an executive branch (the European commission); there’s a court system; laws can supersede laws of member states; regional governments can leave at any time; there’s defence policy, a national minister;

    o But for the time being, internationally other states still recognize the states as sovereign/independent beings; thus, the confederal system hasn’t truly taken hold

    o Becoming more and more institutionalized, centralized and become more like a confederation.

  2. Top to bottom, Federal, State, County, City or town.

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