
Identify the stages of physical development for a 1 year old and a 3 year old?

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This is part of my assignment in cache level 2 of child care.




  1. 12 months- pulls to stand, may walk unaided or holding on to furnature, may crawl up stairs, can sit upright well, good pincer movements,

    3yrs- stands on toes, jumps off a step, can ride a tricycle, can use crayons competently.

    hope that helps.... if you have any more questions my msn is

    x x x x

  2. are you trying to be perverted?

  3. You need to look up a theorist called Mary Sheridan. She has written a book with milestones and the norm of birth to 5 year olds.

    Also, look into Birth To Three as there is a section called 'Healthy Child' which lets you know what childcarers work towards.

  4. First year:

    Birth-2 months: babies focus on your face when you talk; arm and leg movements appear to be uncoordinated; weak neck muscles mean that babies cannot control their head movements.

    3-4 months: babies begin to develop head control and can lift their chests when placed on their stomachs. While you should let your baby have some supervised play time on her stomach, ALWAYS place your child on her back to sleep.

    4-5 months: babies roll from side to back and/or from back to side.

    6-7 months: babies can turn completely over (front to back and/or back to front).

    7 months: babies can pull themselves up to stand but have trouble sitting down again.

    7-8 months: babies can sit up steadily with the support of their arms.

    8-10 months: babies can creep on their stomachs or begin to crawl on their hands and knees. (Some babies do not learn to crawl until after they learn to stand.)

    9-11 months: babies can walk when led by the hands or "cruise" holding onto furniture.

    12-15 months: babies can stand without holding on to anything and begin walking.

    1-3 years:

    18 months: toddlers are walking well, both forward and backwards; they can creep down stairs and get on and off a low chair; they can throw a ball without losing balance.

    24 months: children are able to run and climb.

    36 months: children are refining large motor skills; they can alternate feet while climbing stairs, ride a tricycle, jump and balance on one foot. They can throw a ball overhand.

    36-48 months: children can run and skip well, play simple ball games, and are skilled tricycle riders.

    48-60 months: children can hop, skip, run, play with a ball, and climb.

  5. Child Development by Helen Bee, available in any college library.

  6. The site I got this information from give information for all areas of development from Birth to age 18.  Hope this helps.

    Birth to 6 Months

    · needs to be touched and

    held physically

    · caregiver feeds child

    · feeding pattern is


    · has sucking and grasping


    · reaches toward objects and

    grasps them

    · makes large muscle

    movements (arms and


    · is able to follow objects

    and focus

    · rolls over

    · supports head

    · sleeps a lot

    · no bladder or bowel


    · rapid physical

    6 Months to 1.5 years

    · feeds self with a spoon

    · stands and walks

    · “dances” to music

    · sits by him/herself

    · has precise thumb and

    finger grasp

    · can stack 2 or more blocks

    1.5 years to 3 years

    · walks up and down stairs

    (one step at a time)

    · rides a tricycle

    · throws and kicks a ball

    · can put on a simple


    · can hold a crayon with


    · increased eye-hand

    coordination (e.g., simple


    · can draw a complete circle

    · handles small toys


    · bladder and bowel control

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