
Identify theories and strategies that will improve quality learning for students with disabilities.?

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Identify theories and strategies that will improve quality learning for students with disabilities.?




  1. 1. Differentiate Instruction.

    Teach in different ways, at different paces and with different materials to suit each student's learning needs.

    2. Identify students' individual Learning Styles.

    (Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic/hands-on, etc.) From Harvard Professor Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences theory.

    3. Use Music as an instructional tool.

    Music helps student to remember instructional content. Use songs, such as days of the week, the sequence of the planets, etc., when possible. (Research is contradictory, e.g. The Mozart Effect, but music is used by therapists to restore language and walking/gait with stroke victims and insurance pays for it. Insurance companies do not pay for unsuccessful therapies!)

  2. place them in separate schools that specialize in those cases

  3. music therapy : children with mental disabilities progress faster when exposed to music or art regularly.

    the first link is to a website that has bunches of research about music therapy in various areas.

    the second link is a list of books that have been published about music therapy.

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