
Identify this bird ( a gull? )?

by Guest21139  |  earlier

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Tried "birds" on the web, plenty of "type in it's name and we will show you a picture". If I new what it was I would not be asking!

Looks a bit like a gull,typical gull wing shape, pionted black head not distinct, part of the overall body-shape, seemed to have no tail untill making a sharp turn, then expands fethers (like when you open your fingres). Seen inland, the Midlands, in a flock 100 plus, using thermals. Maybe feeding on the wing? Other small birds in same air space doing same. Did not make the typical gull cries. Wing span (a gues) 18 inches to 2 foot?




  1. A tern maybe....difficult to tell without a photo.

  2. By your description I would say that they are Black Headed Gulls.(Larus ridibundus)

    At this time of year they are in their Summer plumage and in winter revert to a white head.

    These Gulls frequent inland Waterways ,(Lakes and Ponds)Moorland and now frequent rubbish disposal (tips) sites

    Hope this helps you.

  3. Probably a cormorant, they're a nuisance on inland waterways now as their natural food is in decline on the coast.

    Check this picture

    They are about the size, shape and colour you described.

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