
Identify this toad...?

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Recently little brown toads have appeared in my backyard. I've tried to identify them but no luck. I live in Virginia and the toads are tiny (some not even half an inch). They have somewhat smooth skin (some bumps, but not a lot) and high eyes, they have black stipes surrounded by yellow, and make no noise. If anyone asks I can send them a picture.

So can someone please tell me what type of frog/toad these are? Oh, and I usually only see them before and after a rainstorm.




  1. It maybe the oak frog. It is a small species of toad. I am not really sure, but if you go to this website it lists all the amphibians of Virginia. Click on the names and you can view a picture and description of it.

  2. There are six "toads" that get into VA, two of them only to the extreme SE corner. A picture would help, as would knowing where in VA you are and what the soil is like (sandy, clay, silt, loam).

  3. Sounds a lot like an EASTERN SPADEFOOT TOAD
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