
Identifying a Picture?

by  |  earlier

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I received a very large Wizard of Oz gold framed picture/lithograph/print (I don't know what to call it) about 13 years ago. I was told it was a one a kind because it hung in the MGM when they had their WofOz section. I would like to find out more about it but have no idea where to begin. Any suggestions?




  1. First contact MGM with the details you have provided here and see if they can shed any light on it. if what you say here is true it is likely they would have a record of sales, acquisitions and artworks and probably information of the kind you would like to know.

    If they dont help you could remove the image from its frame and see if there is any information hidden below the border of the frame or on the back, often a date, artist name and edition number if it is a limited print.

    It may be worth to take it to an art specialist if you are worried about damaging it if it is removed from the frame, they would also be able to tell you what kind of print it is which would give you some ideas of how, therefore how many, would or could have been reproduced. You can have prints that are handcoloured, limited edition or mass produced etc and of course this affects value and desirability.


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