
Identifying a Wisconsin Moth?

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While I was at work today, I went out to get the mail and ran across this huge moth in the rock beds lining the building. It looked like it had come to close to a windshield and its wings were frayed. I set it off in a nearby field, but now I'm curious as to what species it was.

It was definitely a moth, and had a wing span of about three inches. It was all yellow, including the body, and had those "fuzzy" antenna. It's body was about an inch long, and unfortunately, I don't remember any of the markings on its wings save for bands of off-white at the edges of its wings. If I remember correctly, I almost mistook it for two dead leaves until I noticed the body.

I live in Dane county, in southern wisconsin. Anyone have any clue what this could be?




  1. Possibly am imperial moth.  There are not many moths that are yellow.

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