
Identifying a site in Berlin

by  |  earlier

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I am watching a show on Berlin today and the site of Hitler's Bunker.

The shot is not of the Bunker but of what looks like a large coal field or something covered with snow and the coal or dirt or whatever it is.

In the back ground and this is my question.

there are about 10 very large cranes and a building that resembles in a way the command structure of a Aircraft Carier.

I dont see any other details but am curious if anyone has any idea what im talking about and what all the cranes are for? they all most seem to be grouped together.

but not side by side. some seem all most lined up and some far apart.




  1. I am sorry, but it is simply impossible to give you the correct answer. I searched and i could give you a picture, but i wouldn`t be sure if i am right. Look it up for yourself. Also it would be good to know from which year the show is. I don`t live in Berlin, but looking of actual pictures, no cranes are there.  I don`t find in goole earth also what you mean excatly.

    Search on google pictures for "Berlin Baukräne" , "Berlin Baustellen" and "Berlin Bauarbeiten" and "Führerbunker". You can coppy my letters and add them in google. If you got more idea what you mean, let me know and may i can help you. Propably they build the new railwaystation.. Sorry.

    google pictures

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