
Identifying turtles!!!?

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ok well my dad got 2 turtles off of his mate the other day because he bought an aquarium but was made take the turtles too and doesnt want them!! he was told that one is a mud turtle but i since found out he is a yellow belly, iv been told the other is some sort of aquatic turtle but idk wat kind or n e thing!!!

can someone look at these photos and please tell me what they are and mayb link me 2 a site with their requirements!!

i know i can keep the presumed yellow belly outdoors but idk about the other!





  1. The first one is an African Helmeted turtle

    The second one is a yellw bellied cooter or yellowed ear slider

  2. The first one is definitely not a mud turtle, and it defiantly is not an African helmeted turtle.  Although some common turtles look alike, to me it looks very similar to a bog turtle.  Notice the smoothness of the shell, and the flatness of the nose.  Go to yahoo, and search bog turtle under images.  And the second one looks just like my yellow bellied cooter.

  3. If you pull them out of their shell, it should say what they are on their backs.

  4. is a mud turtle and is an aquatic turtle. This looks like a female. is an aquatic turtle and is either a cooter or some sort of slider. it's hard to tell because it's head is partially retracted. my guess from this picture is Red Eared Slider. This looks like a female but, it's hard to tell as the feet are very blurry.

  5. i agree with Matt. The first one is def. not a mud turtle.

    cooters are sweet turtles, you're lucky!

    please don't let them go wild if you don't want them. instead look into local shelters.

  6. Hard to tell from the photos but, if I had to guess, I'd call the first a yellow mud turtle and the second a yellow-bellied slider. A picture of each from underneath would help.

    Look for the 9th marginal scute (the series around the edge of the upper shell) to be significantly higher than the 8th on the mud turtle. All mud turtles have two hinges on the lower shell and the second pair of scutes on the lower shell are triangular, barely touching one another. Look for round spots on the front half of the plastron (lower shell) of the slider.

    Get Reptiles and Amphibians [of] Eastern/Central North America, by Conant and Collins or another field guide to help you decide.

  7. i would say the first 1 is a mud turtle im 50% sure but the second 1 is a yellow belly and im 99% sure

  8. The first one looks like what I've seen referred to as a "toad head" turtle.  See the link below, it looks to be the same thing.

    The other definitely looks like a yellow belly.

    Don't keep them together, from what I've gathered, toad heads are known for ripping the heads off of smaller turtles.  It's also bad because they have different living requirements and one could infect the other with a disease or parasites that the other has no defense from.

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