
Idiot Co-worker? Suggestions?

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this coworker always tries to start conversations about musical art and his personal art and it drives me insane because according to him his music is the "right" music to listen to and if you listen to other music you are both a "sell out" and unoriginal.

Then he constantly tells me how artistic he is and starts listing off all these artistic things he has done while concluding with the statement "what do you do artistically thats not unoriginal?" in a tone suggesting I do nothing.

and i am seriously sitting there thinking to myself what a f---ing douche telling me what music is good and why he is such an artist compared to me.

How do I deal with these people?? It just gets under my skin so much that someone who is so insecure about what they listen and what they do artistically themselves that they have the shove it down my throat and tell me how right they are.

Also who has no idea who I am. He doesn't even know me




  1. Invent an interpretive dance and whenever he so much as LOOKS AT YOU break into your dance and make animal sounds.

    If he starts singing flap around him like a seagull after a chip. The second he shuts up stop and go back to work.

    After a few renditions of this routine he will decide your an idiot and not want to converse with you anymore.

    Alternatively you could begin sabotaging his work. Randomly delete files from his computer. Steal all his pens or hide the keys to his vehicle. ANYTHING to annoy the guy. A personal favourite of mine is to rotate the screen using desktop settings and then put a post-it note under the mouse. EVERY DAY!

    Dont try to explain to him that music and art in general is a very personal and subjective thing. Just because someone doesn;t like the same thing you like that doesn't make them wrong.

    Sounds like this guy is an insecure k**b who isnt worth too much time. Some, but not too much.

  2. i hav smeone like this @ work... i finally came to the conclusion that this person has their head so far up their a55 any comments u make will only fuel him to prove u wrong... my advice.. smile and walk away ..its not worth ur time and energy

  3. Yea, people like this annoy me too...they think they are so educated and just come across as annoying...

  4. tell me you like to listen to rap music about killing, hoes, drugs and cars. Then ask him if he wants to hang out some day.

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