
Idiot smokers in restaurants...?

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Isn't having a smoking section in a restaurant like having a pissing section in a swimming pool?




  1. Yes  it is and yet you continue to eat at that restaurant and go swimming at the pissy pool so who is the idiot?

  2. Dawg Fan an JR- I completely agree with both of you.

    I want to know why there is a non-smoking section at restaurant but there is not a non-children's section. After all, they could also be considered a health hazard to people with mental disorders and migraines. Not to mention that they are a source of noise pollution.

  3. its idiots like you that are putin ppl like me out of business most of the chainss have gone smoke free and u think u should get 2 go anywhere and force your ideas do you rilize alot of small restrunts use smokeing areas to stay alive and when these laws r passed ppl like u may come 4 awhile but youll go back to that fancy place u started at and some of my regs find out its a peeny chaper and im on the street

  4. only a idiot would ask a Q like this.

  5. no smoking in restaurants in Florida or Georgia,, lots of states no smoking,, i remember when we could smoke on an airplane,,, imagine that one!!!

  6. If you don't like it, go eat somewhere else.

  7. I agree it is gross!! I am happy to say that I live in Kansas City and most cities ex:Overland Park, Olathe and Lenexa have ALL banned smoking....YA I can go out!! I can also take my kids and not have to worry about my sons asthma. Hopefully all the other states will soon follow!! LOVE KC

  8. I'm a smoker and at first I thought the comparison you made here was quite dumb. The more I thought about it, it is really fitting. Some one putting about 8oz (.125 gal) of p**s in a pool that contains 3000 gallons (192000 oz) of water. Runs you about the same health risk as me smoking one cigarette in a dinning room that 14400 cubic feet (40ft x 40ft x 9ft).

    Little to none.

  9. Yes.

    I live in Canada...and ALL public places here are smoke free.  Even amusement parks!

    It's so great.  Also, when you need to go outside to smoke, you must be a certain number of feet away from the building!

  10. I don't think so. We allow you to ask questions here but no one else gets dumber.

  11. pretty much, but here in Chicago, they banned all smoking areas in restaurant, bars, public building, clubs, etc. Pretty cool now that you can go out and not have to worry about those arseholes and their smoke. " Hey if you want to smoke,that alright, but the rest of us dont!!!"

  12. pretty much. in the city of las vegas. nevada we have recently banned smoking in any place you would get served food, including wings and such at bars. send a letter to the mayor of your town and see what you can do about it.

  13. More and more jurisdictions are outlawing smoking in public places altogether.  I approve of this trend.

  14. I dissagree. I don't smoke but I feel no one has the right to tell the smokers they can't. Do you like to chew gum, pop it loudly in public places? I find this discusting to listen to. I agree this does not hurt the other persons health, but it sucks. Restuarants should have separate rooms for smoking and non smoking patrion. Each with separate ventilation systems. That should please everyone and smokers could still go out for a meal then enjoy their smoke too. Should their be separate rooms for people who like a drink with their meal? People dining with children might not like to have them see people drinking and getting roudy. No one protests to this. Do we have to have separate rooms for everything when dining out?  Drinkers, smokers, people with loud roudy children etc. No business could survive this.I don't see punishing smokers and no one else.

  15. yeah

  16. Yes, thats why in the UK and many parts of Europe it is illegal to smoke in public buildings, be it a pub, club, shop, restaurant or office etc.

  17. LMFAO

    i never thought of it that way

    good point

  18. ... there's a comedian who suggests that the nonsmoking equivalent would be spraying whatever you're drinking out of your mouth onto the person next to you.  I like it.  I'll take a nice swallow of Jack n' Coke, turn to the guy next to me an spray it all over his face.  Then I'll offer him the glass and ask if he wants a hit.  I have a feeling I'd get punched right quick.

    I'm a Californian, so I haven't seen smoke inside a restaurant for years.  Whenever I go out of state, it seems so intrinsically wrong to see smokers lighting up inside... to me, it's as oddly innappropriate as someone squatting down to take a dump on the floor in the middle of a grocery store aisle!  But it all depends on what you've grown up with.

    People are really sensitive about smoker's rights, but I frankly don't care whether smokers smoke or not.  I just don't want to be forced to smoke - much like I imagine you wouldn't want an involuntary faceful of my drink.

    So yes - 3 paragraphs later, I'd say I agree.  Nonsmoking sections are relatively pointless, since they're never separate, fully closed-off rooms.

  19. yes it is, it is such a nasty habit

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