
Idiots Guide to Being a Birth coach??

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Due to circumstances that are hard to explain... i have a couple of people (depending on timing) who could be my birth coach. One has never done anything like this before, one hasn't done this is almost 30 years, and the 3rd is a Physicians Assistant (whom i worry is going to be too clinical about this whole thing.)

Anyways, i kind of wanted to give them some information about being a birthing coach. I'm going natural, with midwives who will help a lot. But i wanted to include something a little more personalized to me. There is just SO much info from class, i dont know what to include.





  1. Go with who you feel most comfortable around normally. Talk with them and explain how YOU want to do things. Listen to the responses-do they think like you?The PA may be too clinical but he/she also knows how it all"works"  The one that has done it 30 years ago..things have changed but I coached my daughter in law and it was great. I may sly away from the first person you mentioned,this is not the time to have to explain things..Good Luck...remember women have been doing this for years! Think positive!


    Jot down some things that you think may help.But keep in mind things change when you are in labor,having someone rub you feet may feel great one minute and really irritate you the next.Don't be afraid to ask them to do or not to do what feels right at the time. I HAD to have socks on until right before the actual birth. Then I wanted them off and NOW!!!Take something with you that you can use as a focal point(pix of friend/family-ocean setting-cool car ) what ever you like to look at.This helps during contractions. Have you taken prepared childbirth classes? Let them read the book.High light things that are important. Take some music-several styles (your mood will change) Back rubs/or applying pressure helps ,especially if you are having back labor.

    I had all my kids natural-it wil be a wonderful experience for you. If you say or do something that upsets your coach...they will get over it!The nurses are a wealth of knowledge too!

  2. Practice them holding your leggs and what is comfortable because when it is time and they don't do it right it can be very uncomfortable.

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