
Idk, weird, telepathy kind of thing?

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alright, im gonna be a huge hypocrite here and ask a question in the paranormal section. ive never beleived in all these stories about telekinesis or ghosts or anything, but now

lately, ive been getting...messages i guess from all my friends, like weed be talking and all of a sudden id get this really strong urge for pizza or something. then id say, "lets get some pizza" right when my friend shouts it out. its weird, and we laugh about it, but it keeps happening more and more, and im getting freaked out. and its getting more specific, like actual thoughts instead of vauge urges. like the other day me and my friend ashley were in math class, and our teacher asked a question to ashley, and right away the answer popped into my head, weird, cause i wasnt paying the least bit of attention, and had no idea of how to do the problem. but right after i got the answer, ashley blurted it out. stuff like this has been happening now for like 3 months, and i need someone to talk to about it




  1. Coincidence.

    Plus the more time you spend with your friends the more likely you are to have the same ideas.

    Not that eating pizza is that much of an original idea for teenagers.

    If you'd both shouted out 'Lobsters in a creamy Bearnaise sauce!' - then you might be onto something.

  2. What you experienced would be called mind reading. Telepathy is when you send a thought to someone else. Both of these happen to me a lot for a reason.

  3. I personally don't believe it, but that is really weird.

    Also, that's not telepathy dude.. sorry.

  4. I think it happens to everyone, it's weird and hard to explain, i'm not sure on that subject but it could be true, who knows

  5. it is pretty creepy, but yeah. the pizza thing mat just be what someone else had said about it not being very unoriginal to think about pizza. and the math thing all i can come up with is you were sort of listening but sort of zoning out at the same time.

    if you would rather not believe that, there are a number of theories that you can look up which may explain your case.

  6. lol i totally have had that happen!!

    its like creepy..but kinda cool..hahah


  7. your psychic

  8. I'll hang with moe94115 on this one.

    Congratulations you are joining a growing population. It isn't that you, me or the next guy (or gal) are special. It is the awareness that makes us special, we are not blind to possibilities.

    Frankly, I believe it shows a lot of character to admit you sort of dissed this sort of thing in the past and now just maybe you'll leave a little opening to new possibilities.

    You will most certainly find a confidant in the very near future with whom you will share similar thoughts.

    Congrats! Not on being psychic, but having the awareness that you are!

  9. Be careful with your interpretation of coincidences.

    You're hungry for a very popular kind of food at the same time as your friend?  Nothing unusual here.

    Your friend is asked to answer a question, you know the answer even though you weren't really paying attention and then she answers it?  Nothing unusual here.

  10. Coincidence, and not a very weird one at that.

    The 'we only use 10% of our brains' thing is a myth.  We use all of our brains, just not all the time.  And while we are evolving, no species has ever evolved to break the laws of physics.  And that's what telepathy would be.

  11. Well telepathy is part of the 100% of our brains. But the normal man has only tapped in to 10-20% of the brain right now im studing the parts of the brain that you dont use right now your experiencing the next step to evuluition.

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