
Idk if i should....?

by  |  earlier

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omg! im falling for this boy really bad. i mean bad! he lives two states away but the way we talk is amazing. and its like i like him even more everyday. ^.^ he likes me but he likes this other girl that keeps confusing him saying that they are together and then that they arent the next day. he even told me that if he wasnt confused at all about her that he would want to ask me out. i dont think i can really tell him that when we say ily at night i really mean it when he means it as best friends. should i tell him how i really feel or should i just wait for him to tell me whenever he does?? plz help much thanks!!




  1. Did you meet this kid on line or something? I think that long distance relationships don't really work out and that you are probably better off dating someone that lives near you. You know someone you get to see every now and then. Believe me two states away is pretty d**n far for a relationship. Just be careful with meeting people on line too. It can be pretty deceiving.  

  2. Hey

    I think you should really tell him because it seems to me he's just stuffing you around and if he really knew your feelings, things would change, if he does like the other girl more than you and if he is really with her, he wil run away from you but it means that you would really know whats going on with the other girl, or he could want to just be with you and he should know how much you love him, saying ily should NEVER be said so lightly as that confuses any relationship even people that are together.

    Just tell him, if he runs then you know he's been playing you all along.

  3. You should. But wait for the right timing because if you say it too early he'd be too surprised. If you are too late, well... you'd know what happens, he'd be taken. When he tells you that would be a perfect time to tell him. But if he does not affirm his feelings, get the ball rolling!! If ever he has to choose between you two, and he chooses the other girl, accept the fact that he is not meant for you. If ever everything goes too bad then forget the situation and find another guy. There are a lot of guys who fit you, and if he drops the chance of being with you? Choose from the rest of the options!!! GOOD LUCK.

  4. tell him...i like this guy in another state and we both like each other and have admited that and now we are even closer. just be honest

  5. Yeah!I think you should tell him because if you don't tell him that girl might end up getting him before you and that would suck more because then not only would you not be able to tell him how you feel but he would already be taken!
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