
Idk if this is a virus or

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike this virus thingy happens only sometimes. like sometimes it works like a new laptop. well whenever this thing does happen, the screen is outlined in black that is i think 2- 2 1/2 inches thick. then after this thing passes then the whole screen turns blue and it has white letter writings on it. just starts to restart by itself.

BTW: my laptop is a toshiba...

yah so if any1 knows a something that will help this go away...can you like tell me? or tell wjhat it is AND what to do?

THANKS! <3 (:




  1. Try AVG 8 or Dr.Web Cureit.

  2. i think its a desktop highjacker try using malwarebytes anti-malware

  3. MattMan: &quot;Desktop hijacker&quot;? Are you f***ing kidding me?

    The blue screen with white letters is called a STOP error, also known as a &quot;blue-screen&quot;. Creative, huh? This means that your computer has crashed either by a severe misconfiguration or hardware failure. Windows is usually configured by default to automatically restart after a STOP error.

    The black border on your display is a good indicator that perhaps your graphics driver has malfunctioned. A buggy driver will cause erratic hardware behavior and system crashes.

    Next time you start the computer, update your graphics driver, first thing! Newer drivers are always created, with new features and bug fixes. You simply need to download the latest one and install it.

    Find out if you have an Nvidia, ATI, or Intel graphics chipset, go to the respective website, and download the latest driver package.




    OR you can go to Toshiba&#039;s support site and download the latest driver package for your particular laptop model.

    Once and for all: IT&#039;S NOT A VIRUS. These guys spouting the antivirus flavor-of-the-week have NO idea what they&#039;re talking about. They see the word &quot;virus&quot; in your question, and spew all kinds of nonsense. &quot;Try this program! Try that program!&quot; NO!! How about finding the REAL cause for the problem, and develop a REAL solution.

    Sorry for the rant, but I hate it when people cry VIRUS. Attributing every single little computing anomaly to a virus is just plain stupid.

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