
Idk what to do... please help me?

by  |  earlier

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its been three months since the break up and she wants to meet me... i said i think it will be awkward and she said its still me!! in the following message she said believe me nothings u think this means that she still misses me and cares about me or would you take it as she still doesn't want to get back together??

i agreed to see her and now she is telling everyone that she is going to be around so idk what to think i thought she wanted a one on one thing but now is she just looking for a quick chat and then she is leaving??




  1. It sounds as though not much has happened for her in 3 months and she wants to keep you on the hook. The latter part of your info sounds as though she is trying to show others how she still has a hold on you. I'd decline the invite and move on unless she PROVES to you that she is wanting something more. Come on! Don't you have better things to do with your life than worry about what this girl is trying to pull off? Your age is showing by the way.  

  2. so you want her back in ur life.. lol??

  3. well.. first of all.. h**l yess it will be awkward >< soo prepare urself for it :).. second, what do you meaan with "she saids its still me" ?? cuz if it refers that ur behavior is still the problem theen dont go. Thrid, if she says believe nothings changed ..then probably she doesnt want to  get back together.. she probably just wanna talk. with whatever happens... good luck :)

  4. She's claiming you for herself, that's why she's telling everyone.  She says nothing has changed because her feelings haven't changed a bit.  I think you should see her if you want to be a couple.

  5. you make NO sense, no wonder she left you...

  6. no no i kill the bus driver

  7. Lets skip the dissertation and get to the bottom line ,,,,   On again off again ,,,,  Yes and then no ,,, Maybe or maybe not ,,,,  She's playing head games ,,,,  Do you like it  ?,,,, She's in your past for a reason ,,,, Leave her there ,,,, She's not the only egg in the basket ,,,, Start circulating and find someone you think is worth your time and effort ,,,, Most likely she'll come problem and trouble free ,,,,   //

  8. what?  why r u wasting your thoughts on this person.  it is obvious she is on another planet.  forget her

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