
Idk whats wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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i feel like my family dosn't want me anymore, and like i have no1 i can trust. i'm starting to hate people for no reason. the reason i feel like my family dosn't want me anymore is cuz i found out that the person i thought was my mom is my step mom. (my real mom died when i was born) i found out from a family friend a few days ago. i feel like i have no1 i can trust cuz my family lied to me for 17 years, and idk why im starting to hate people for no reason. idk why i'm feeling like this. please help me?




  1. your family probably didnt tell you about your step mom because they wanted to protect you from whats hapening right now. and you are probably hating people for no reason because you feel you cant trust them and its also from your stress about this ordeal it will probably go away

  2. id feel the same

  3. while they shouldnt have lied to you, they did it with the best intentions.  I think you just need to go and talk to you dad and your mom and tell them how you really feel. The reason you hate people is coz your in a bad mood! its typical teen 101. your p!ssed and just wanna be alone. Go talk to your family!

  4. Your normal. The way your feeling is absolutely normal for someone.

    You feel like yoru family doesn't want you because you feel betrayed that they kept something so important to you, from you. However, they were afraid to talkt o you about it because they didn't want to lose your love, which based on the post is exactly what happened. When you thought your step mom was your mom you loved her, but now that you know she isn't you dont? Did anything change? Did the time she spent with you growing up change? Did the past 17 years change? Or did your thinking change?

    You hate people because you don't want to get hurt by anyone. Deep down you feel that if you trust people, that will allow them to hurt you, so rather then taking the chance you don't trust them. I do the same thing, and it sucks.

  5. Maybe they were just waiting for a right time to tell you when they thought that you would be able to handle the news.

    I wish you luck with your situation and I hope things get better

  6. It's natural to feel hurt and betrayed by having to find out from a family friend that your biological mother died when you were born, and with the two people in your life you've trusted having kept such a large secret from you it's normal to almsot draw within yourself and shut people out becasue you feel like you cant trust people and that you're so hurt and angry you cant just be mad at one or two people. But if i might ask, have you talked to your parents? Do they even know you found out? Maybe they had a good reason for keeping it from you, maybe they were waiting until you turned 18 to tell you. They may have had your reasons, maybe they jsut could never find the exactly right time to tell you, perhaps the woman who has been your mom for your whole life was terrified you'd feel differently about her. I'm sure she loves you so much. I dont think they meant to to hurt you in anyway, they might have thoguht they were protecting you in a way, i'm jsut guessing i cant say what their reasoning was, but you should talk to them and remember, this woman who has raised you may not have had you but she is your mother. A mother is defined as a woman who loves you no matter what and is always there for you, A mother isnt just defined by having given birth to you. I'm not trying to mak excuses for your parents i'm just trying to help you maybe see it from maybe a different point of veiw other than that of the one of betrayal...You really should talk to your parents. at least hear them out if you havent the way i'm sorry about everything you're going through

  7. that happened to me as well, only I found out when I was thirteen that my "father" was my step dad.  They probably kept this from you because they cared about you, and even though it might have not been the smartest thing to keep it from you for so long, it's the thought that counts; your family was just concerned about how you would feel. They definitely want you, that's for sure. If there's anyone in this world you can trust, it's your family. I think you should really have a talk with your family and let them know how you feel about the situation. The reason why you might be so angry is pent-up emotions.

  8. You have every right to feel like sounds VERY normal for the circumstance.

    Hating everyone is a beginning sign that you are starting to become clinically depressed. So Allow yourself to feel rotten for a week or so, after that you need to try and move on. If you feel you can't then you need to talk to your parents. Aks them why they did this to you...tell them EXACTLY how you feel....holding it inside will make it WAY worse...and you will only hate EVERYONE more.

    And obviously your parents love you, or they wouldnt have cared wheather you knew or not....

  9. im so sorry you feel the way you do. sometimes i can be the most kind and generous person and then sometimes i feel like i am beging to hate the world and everyone in it. finding out about you mom im sure was really hard but you also have to think bout it this way. maybe she felt like she was your mom bc she raised you. or maybe she just didn't know how to tell you or when was it the right time ya know im sure you have just so many un answered questions. life is so crazy at times and we all have so many obsticals to jump through and so many problems to face. right now i am going through a rough time but i know that to be a reall women( even though im 24 hehe) i have to do what is right. if everyone else wants to do things the wrong way and make bad desions thats on them but my first concern is myself. im not sure if i am makin any sense... if not just tell me i will write back

  10. ive felt that before and hated people , things just for no reason but if they took care and maybe she just wanted you to think of her as your mom because thats what she wanted to is your mom so if anything i think that means she loves you more.

  11. well it's true that your family shouldn't have kept that from you, especially from so long. and it's probably even worse that you heard it from someone other than them.

    my grandma died, and my family had known about it. everyone knew about it except for me. even my boyfriend knew before i did, as well as my cousin's and such.. so as it became a commodity, i was the only one who didn't know about it. and it upset me for a while that they didn't tell me. but i believe they had their reasons for it. and though i do not agree it's impossible to determine a solution for a problem when you have only heard one side of the story.

    good luck

    and i really do hope you feel better


  12. hi, mmmm... this is what life is sometimes just hit us with all  and left us without hope, faith, love. but the things that can really help us work this out is ourself. u have ti said by yourself who you are and who you want to be, you have to belive that your real mom is in heaven taking care of you, and your step mom is a great person too because she help u when u have problems she is your support and she also love's you a lot! u havve to take care of your family because they'r all a special treasure that gos leaves us in our lifes then I understand why u r starting to hate people, maybe you just focus on your negative things maybe u have to thing that u have a  good family, a good friends and mostly important a god that loves you with all his hearth, he always is going to be there if u need him, he's just waiting... talk with him, apreciate ypur friends, your family, your material things that god have give you in your life, this is a hard time 4 u. try to take more breath , distractions, like run, or play sports that will take u bussy, away from drugs and bad things

    hope things work out 4 u !


  13. She still your mom. She raised you didn't she?? that makes her your mom, whether she had you or not.

    Just because you found this out doesn't mean they stopped loving you, or that they lied to you. It's not something you needed to know as a child.

    Your stepmom is your mom because she is the one who took the time to teach, raise, and love you. I'd say she cares more about you than most, to take care of a child she didn't have. Think about the kind of love it takes to raise someone elses child as your own.

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