
Idles for wedding annviers day.?

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Me and wife has been wed for 11 years and she is very special to me i love her so very much, but i don't know want to get her so can some one tell me some idles please. thanks.




  1. Try doing something for her. If she is the type of person who like the simple things in life. Just get something simple for her. You don't have to go out and spend alot of money to make her feel special and loved. Do something personal for her to show her that you love her. If she wanted a party last year and you didn't have one for her then maybe you should have one this year and only invite those who she really cares about. Or maybe go out and have a nice picnic  by the lake. Just don't expect her to do all the planning and work. You seem to be a thoughtful husband so you should know what types of things she wants. Trust your instincts and you should be fine. Remember that it isn't about how much money you spend it is about how much thought you put into the gift. Good luck and I hope she likes it.

  2. Give her whatever she enjoys, without more info it is hard to be specific. She probably has something that she wants that she does not want to buy for herself.

    Low End Budget Items

    A book, a cd, a piece of jewelry, dinner and a movie, book a hotel room for a day and evening and treat her like gold, surprise party, check with her best friend for gift ideas, a dress or outfit.

    Higher End Budget Items

    A trip for the two of you away from the kids, a piece of jewelry, a dinner and a show in another exotic city, bring in out of town friends she has not seen in a while.

    Just do not do nothing!!!

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