
Ienstein ? cant we all be like him. test tube babies used as guine pigs and slaves ?

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if i remember cerrectly he was so clever because a ridge in his brain wasnt as big as normal people (that is right right?) if so why cant we just cut a bit of our brain out or if the technology nowerdays isnt that advanced in the future could we do that... and just too save points do you think testube babies are wrong and that they could be used as guinea pigs or slave by goverment unknown too the outside world in the future by the outside world i mean we dont know about them and they are sealed so they will never know about the outside world? sick idea but whats your opinion will it or is it happening and is it wrong




  1. The Golem has been worked on in Frankensteinian labs for years.Yes,it is wrong.

  2. Einstein's brain has been studied extensively and was found not to be as extraordinary as one might think.  But, there were some aspects which could explain his superior intellect.

    For one, Einstein's parietal lobes were wider than normal, which may have enhanced his mathematical thinking ability.

    As for contemplating human engineering to create a superior human being, that idea leaves me cold.

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