
If, and only if, you agree with the idea that life is an illusion, please explain why you feel this way...?

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By the way, I feel this way.




  1. Life is not an illusion.That what people THINK Life is  would be...It is a fact that people live what they think.....That which we think is far from ultimate truth..But we build a reality based of imperfect thinking and it becomes palpable....You feel this way because you do not believe in life in which you found yourself..Those who surrounded you telling you what they know and believe about life  and you do not buy it deep inside...

  2. You've been watching the Matrix too much.

  3. ...i disagree...

  4. Life is a perception.

  5. At some levels, there may be a feeling or perception of illusion.  This may precede an awakening to a greater reality.

    Examples include "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,

    "Strange Life of Ivan Osokin," P. D. Ouspensky,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,

    "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet, and

    "Soul Traveler," Albert Taylor,

    Soul awareness moves beyond the physical, and may lend the perception that "life is but a dream."

  6. Huh. I never actually thought about that. This very question got me thinking....

    "Life is but a dream for the dead", saw it on someone's status one time.

  7. Well illusion by what means? Illusions usually have some truth behind them, whether in magic or real life. Same concept. The purpose/truth is hidden within the illusion, it's the small things that people don't catch....

    As Edgar Allen Poe once said, "All that we dream or seem is but a dream within a dream."

  8. OK neo. lol

    No in fact I believe that life isn't an illusion, a very realistic dream that we haven't awoken from yet; maybe.

    but not an illusion, because if that was the case, then there must be someone to perceive the illusion.

    The true question is Who is the one the perceives.

  9. its defently the ultimate vertual reality

    An illusion  is something that does not exist

    therefore something that has any reference to memory must exist

    is it the ultimate truth  no  

    i try to think of it like  a big mirror

    the mirror  knows its self as the great mirror

    yet it does not know what its greatness is  because there is nothing that is not great    

    The mirror longs to understand what its greatness is  and cant with out understanding what greatness is not

    So the mirror  has a plan

    it shatters itself   big bang into trillions of smaller aspects of itself

    each piece is still the mirror  only now its the great mirror  with points of reference

    one piece is chiped  another  cracked  another  perfect in proportion to the big mirror

    each piece represents the big mirror  and experiences  what it is to be the great mirror  only in a smaller porportion

    untill one day   all the mirror  comes back to its real body

    with the experiance and knowlaged of what  it is like to be apart from the great mirror   or not great  

    now the mirror   is with in side itself the great mirror  because he understands  that he is in all things  the chipped  the cracked etc

    so was the little pieces  having an illusion of being apart or was it real

    Back to my statement  

    this is the ultimate vertual  reality

    cant have hot with out cold   up with out down

    god with out satin  e

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