
If 10 men were stranded on a desert island after 1 week i man would own all the wealth and be called boss?

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If 10 men were stranded on a desert island after 1 week i man would own all the wealth and be called boss?




  1. No not really, but there would most likely be a leader or a struggle between those that want to be leaders. Since they are stranded it's likely that the man that's the most fair when it comes to dividing supplies and food will get the power. People want to survive. But, if they have more than they need and can live well without worries then it would look differently. With nothing to worry about they'd have time for power struggles and greed. And soon enough one man with more power and wealth than the others will emerge. It's also possible that they would create a very democratic system where all are equals depending on their backgrounds and views on things in life.

    If you look at life in general your statement/question could show how it works most often. There are leaders, good and bad, and there is greed and people that give up too easily for what ever their reasons are. If all the assets in this world were divided and every person in the world were given the same amount there would be rich people and poor people within days.  

  2. What wealth could they accumulate in a week?and how?

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