
If 1000 donated $ 1 each, that would be $ 1000.?

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will it work to start something like this on the web? then everyone who knows someone in need can post a note and get people on here to donate....what do you think, will it work? will you help or want to be helped?




  1. How can you trust someone  online who is not an  established charity?  There was a case last year of a woman and her boyfriend who pretended to have 6 babies (AT the same time) to get people to donate online, and it ended up being a complete LIE.  They were close to 50 years old, had no kids and are both sitting in jail.  Give to established charities in your community!

  2. You will just get a LONG line of people with their hands out...

  3. nope. I already contribute to a multitude of charities.

    I say support your local charities first-fire department, salvation army, your local church and school.

  4. yes.


  5. yes, it would probably work and I am sure that people have done things like that but, is it the right thing to do?  Instead of thinking about what you do not have, start thinking about what you do have and what others do not have.  When you really start to think about what you have compared to others you will see (probably) that your situation is not so bad after all (I hope).

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