
If 12 million illegals are allowed to stay can we expect a crime wave? ?

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read article, here's our future, That's what the elite want, we are absorbed staying alive while they loot the entire nation apart for thier own coffers. Think about it, divide and conqueur.




  1. What you can expect is a heavier drain on the welfare system, followed by a heavier drain on our jobs...their children will eventually grow up. When they do, their parents will demand that they get preferential treatment when applying to colleges and universities, and later when applying for jobs.

    It's all well and good when they're out picking lettuce in the fields. But when they're taking the computer programmer's job away from him, or the auto worker's job away, etc..  it's going to be a whole new ballgame.  Illegal is illegal. This country cannot be expected to clean up the problems of corrupt governments around the world. Mexico needs to get its own act together and strengthen its OWN economy.  That's the only thing that's going to keep illegals out of this country.

  2. First of all we do not know how many illegals there are in this country.  A demand that all illegals register (if they don't they are not eligible for any permanent status).  Then and only then can we intelligently discuss the real problem.  If there are only 5 mil maybe we can give them status (I don't agree with that but we need to talk).  But if there are 35 mil then letting them stay is not an option.  We need good information before we can make a decision!

    The Bursaro program is the answer in my opinion.  It worked for many years and can work again.  Don't forget for everyone you allow to stay there will be relative that they can bring in after.  That could quadruple the population!

  3. It is the big welfare moms that populate walmarts etc. that bother me more. the illegals don't act surly and threatening like those people. there is a big difference. people who think they have special rights and are "owed" are much, much more of a problem.

  4. No.  If they are already here...why would they suddenly begin a crime wave?  

  5. if would of already happen since they are here already

  6. The crime is that it has been permitted for so long without a solution being implemented.

  7. or a revolution?

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