
If 2 people that are close to you get in to an arguement with each other.....?

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And both say the other person said some things that you don't believe that person would say, but both are sticking to their word...Would you

Pick a side or stay out of it because you are unsure of what was realy said???




  1. First of all it is depending whom are these two people.

    If these people are my friends i will just leave and i will tell them how rude are they later.

    If these two are stranger i don't' mind and don't care. just leave them alone.

    If they get into physical i will stop them and if it is necessary i will call police

  2. I would sit down with my friends separately and tell them the reasons they are good friends.  I would ask why the other person they are fighting with is a good friend.  I would then ask what is more important having a friend or being right.

  3. I am not sure this is the section, but this has happened to me.

    I was one of the two arguing

    I made it clear to the one in the middle that I was her friend and she has to live her own life, I do not want to end their friendship.

    Just the way it worked for me

    To this day she is friends with both of us

  4. Stay completely away from any conversation that is about what is going on with the two. YOU NEED TO STAY NEUTRAL.  

  5. I would stay out of it, I am put in that same situation all the time with my husband and my brother who lives with us.

  6. I would stay out and tell them how uncomfortable you feel!  

  7. Bet with your other friends on who would win the fight

  8. stay out of it

  9. i would keep out of it because if i am not sure what was really said why would i even try to take sides?

  10. I wouldn't pick sides .  

  11. Stay out of it!  If you pick a side, it will only come back to bite you - and you'll end up losing BOTH friends believe me.  If either of them tries to talk about the other one to you, just politely say "I'm sorry you guys are fighting but this is not my fight.  I love you both dearly but I refuse to pick sides and I hope you'll respect that.  Please don't talk about her again -it's not fair to put me in the middle.  If you need to vent about her, you need to find someone else to vent to because it makes me really uncomfortable to have you talking badly about someone I consider a good friend."  

    Believe me, you'll see very quickly who your REAL friend is in this scenario.  Any real friend would never put you in the middle & would realize how unfair that is to you.  

  12. Stay out of it,especially if you are unsure of what was said.  Let them work it out between them, if you pick a side it will only bring your grief.

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