
If 30 minutes or less isnt a garauntee then why does Dominos Pizza still use it as their slogan

by  |  earlier

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I mean I understand that their business was built around the garauntee of pizza in 30 minutes or less and they are known for that. Im just having trouble with the idea that they use it as their slogan but it isnt actually a garauntee




  1. I thought that your pizza is free if it takes longer than 30 min?

  2. What they're trying to say is that they will deliver ur pizza in 30 minutes or less and if they fail to do so, they will compensate in terms of vouchers or they'll give it to you free of charge. They are trying to tell you that they are confident that they can get ur pizza to u in less than 30 minutes and if they dont they'll punish themselves by giving it to you for free. Its not really a guarantee but more of a promise...hehe.

  3. hmm i dont really know. I know a while back if they did not deliever it in 30 minutes or less then if would be free. I guess they were just to lazy to change it.

  4. it's called retained product identification,,, a phrase or slogan that most people identify your product with, it also creates the image of being responsive and trustworthy.

    the local shop in my town still honors it with a caveat about "busy hours".  Not at all sure what is being done elsewhere though.

  5. Because people dont care..  

  6. they mean if your pizza isn't there in 30 min or less it's free i think maybe when you order it next you should ask. hope that helps

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